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po·lice  (p-ls)
n. pl. police
1. The governmental department charged with the regulation and control of the affairs of a community, now chiefly the department established to maintain order, enforce the law, and prevent and detect crime.
a. A body of persons making up such a department, trained in methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection and authorized to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community.
b. A body of persons having similar organization and function: campus police. Also called police force.
3. (used with a pl. verb) Police officers considered as a group.
4. Regulation and control of the affairs of a community, especially with respect to maintenance of order, law, health, morals, safety, and other matters affecting the public welfare.
5. Informal A group that admonishes, cautions, or reminds: grammar police; fashion police.
a. The cleaning of a military base or other military area: Police of the barracks must be completed before inspection.
b. The soldiers assigned to a specified maintenance duty.
tr.v. po·licedpo·lic·ingpo·lic·es
1. To regulate, control, or keep in order with or as if with a law enforcement agency.
2. To make (a military area, for example) neat in appearance: policed the barracks.

[French, from Old French policiecivil organization, from Late Latin polta, from Latin, the State, from Greek polteia, from poltscitizen, from poliscity; see pel-3 in Indo-European roots.]

po·licea·ble adj.
po·licer n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
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police [pəˈliːs]
1. (Law)
a.  (often preceded by the) the organized civil force of a state, concerned with maintenance of law and order, the detection and prevention of crime, etc.
b.  (as modifiera police inquiry
2. (Law) (functioning as plural) the members of such a force collectively
3. any organized body with a similar function security police
4. (Law) Archaic
a.  the regulation and control of a community, esp in regard to the enforcement of law, the prevention of crime, etc.
b.  the department of government concerned with this
vb (tr)
1. (Law) to regulate, control, or keep in order by means of a police or similar force
2. to observe or record the activity or enforcement of a committee was set up to police the new agreement on picketing
3. (Military) US to make or keep (a military camp, etc.) clean and orderly
[via French from Latin polītīa administration, government; see polity]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
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po•lice (pəˈlis) 

n., v. -liced, -lic•ing. n.
1. an organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing the laws.
2. (used with a pl. v.) members of such a force.
3. the regulation and control of a community, esp. for the maintenance of public order, safety, morals, health, etc.
4. the department of a government concerned with this, esp. with the maintenance of order.
5. any body of people employed to keep order, enforce regulations, etc.
6. people who seek to regulate a specified behavior, activity, practice, etc.: the language police.
a. the cleaning and keeping clean of a military camp, post, etc.
b. the cleanliness of a camp, post, etc.
8. to regulate, control, or keep in order by or as if by means of police.
9. to clean and keep clean (a military camp, post, etc.).
[1520–30; < Middle French: government, civil administration, police < Late Latin polītia citizenship, government, for Latin polītīa; see polity]
pron: Many English words exemplify the original stress rule of Old English and other early Germanic languages, according to which all parts of speech were stressed on the first syllable, except for prefixed verbs, which were stressed on the syllable immediately following the prefix. Although loanwords that exhibit other stress patterns have since been incorporated into English, the older stress pattern remains operative to some degree. For South Midland and Midland U.S. speakers in particular, shifting the stress in borrowed nouns to the first syllable is still an active process, yielding (ˈpoʊ lis) for police and (ˈdi trɔɪt) for Detroit, as well as cement, cigar, guitar, insurance, umbrella,and idea said as (ˈsi mɛnt) (ˈsi gɑr) (ˈgɪt ɑr) (ˈɪn ʃʊər əns) (ˈʌm brɛl ə) and (ˈaɪ diə)
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Thesaurus Legend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun1.police - the force of policemen and officerspolice - the force of policemen and officers; "the law came looking for him"
personnelforce - group of people willing to obey orders; "a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens"
European Law Enforcement OrganisationEuropol - police organization for the European Union; aims to improve effectiveness and cooperation among European police forces
gendarmeriegendarmery - French police force; a group of gendarmes or gendarmes collectively
MutawaMutawa'een - religious police in Saudi Arabia whose duty is to ensure strict adherence to established codes of conduct; offenders may be detained indefinitely; foreigners are not excluded
MountiesRCMPRoyal Canadian Mounted Police - the federal police force of Canada
New Scotland YardScotland Yard - the detective department of the metropolitan police force of London
secret police - a police force that operates in secrecy (usually against persons suspected of treason or sedition)
SchutzstaffelSS - special police force in Nazi Germany founded as a personal bodyguard for Adolf Hitler in 1925; the SS administered the concentration camps
law enforcement agency - an agency responsible for insuring obedience to the laws
posseposse comitatus - a temporary police force
police officerpolicemanofficer - a member of a police force; "it was an accident, officer"
Verb1.police - maintain the security of by carrying out a patrol
guard - to keep watch over; "there would be men guarding the horses"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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the law (informal)police forceconstabularyfuzz (slang)law enforcement agency, boys in blue (informal), the Old Bill (slang)rozzers (slang) The police have arrested twenty people following the disturbances.
1. controlpatrolguardwatchprotectregulatekeep the peace, keep in order the UN force whose job it is to police the border
2. monitorcheckobserveoverseesupervise the body which polices the investment management business
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
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police [pəˈliːs]
A. NPL → policía fsing
to join the police → hacerse policía
more than a hundred police were called in → más de cien policías hicieron acto de presencia
B. VT [+ frontier] → vigilarpatrullar por; [+ area] → mantener el orden público en; [+ process] → vigilarcontrolar
the frontier is policed by UN patrols → la frontera la vigilan las patrullas de la ONU
the area used to be policed by Britain → la zona estaba antes bajo control de Gran Bretaña
C. CPD → de policía
police brutality N → violencia f policial
police captain N (US) → subjefe mf
police car N → coche m de policía
police constable N (Brit) → guardia mfpolicía mf
police court N → tribunal m de policíatribunal m correccional
police custody N in police custody → bajo custodia policial
police department N (US) → policía f
police dog N → perro m policía
police escort N → escolta f policial
police force N → cuerpo m de policía
police inspector N → inspector(a) m/f de policía
police officer N → guardia mfpolicía mf
police protection N → protección f policial
police record N → antecedentes mpl penales
police state N → estado m policía
police station N → comisaría f
police work N → trabajo m policial or de la policía
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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police [pəˈliːs]
n (= organization) → police f
We called the police → Nous avons appelé la police.
npl (= police officers) → policiers mpl
A large number of police were hurt → De nombreux policiers ont été blessés.
[+ area] → maintenir l'ordre dans; [+ event] → maintenir l'ordre pendant
The march was heavily policed
BUT Il y avait une forte présence policière lors de la manifestation.
[+ border] → surveiller
(= oversee) [+ law,] → veiller à l'application de; [+ area of public life] → contrôler
modif [action, activity, brutality, harassment, inquiry] → policier/ère police cellpolice helicopterpolice presence
police car n → voiture f de police
police cell n → cellule dans un poste de police)f >
police chief n
(British) → préfet m (de police)
(US) → (commissaire m) divisionnaire m
police constable n (British) → agent m de police
police department n (US) → services mpl de police
the police department → les services de police
police dog n → chien m policier
police force n → police f
police headquarters npl → quartier m général de la police
police helicopter n → hélicoptère m de la police
police inspector n → inspecteur/trice m/f de police
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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n (+sing vb, = institution, +pl vb, = policemen) → Polizei fto join the police → zur Polizei gehenhe is in or a member of the police → er ist bei der Polizeiall police leave was cancelled → allen Polizisten wurde der Urlaubgesperrthundreds of police → hunderte or Hunderte von Polizistenextra police were called in → es wurden zusätzliche Polizeikräfte angefordertthree police were injured → drei Polizeibeamte or Polizisten wurden verletzt
vt road, frontier, territory → kontrollierenagreement, pop concert → überwachenkontrollierento police the peace → den Frieden überwachena heavily policed area → ein Gebiet nt → mit hoher Polizeidichte

police car
n → Polizeiwagen m
police constable
n (Brit) → Polizist(in) m(f), → Wachtmeister(in) m(f) (form)
police court
n → ˜ Polizeigericht nt
police dog
n → Polizeihund m
police escort
n → Polizeieskorte f
police force
n → Polizei fone of the best-equipped polices in the world → eine der bestausgestatteten Polizeitruppen der Welt
police headquarters
n sing or pl → Polizeipräsidium nt
n → Polizist m
police message
n (Rad) → Durchsage f → der Polizei
police officer
n → Polizeibeamte(r) mf
police presence
n → Polizeiaufgebot nt
police protection
n → Polizeischutz m
police record
n → Vorstrafen plto have a police → vorbestraft sein
police state
n → Polizeistaat m
police station
n → (Polizei)wache f → or -revier nt
police supervision
n → Polizeiaufsicht f
n → Polizistin f
police work
n → Polizeiarbeit f(= investigation) → polizeiliche Nachforschungen pl
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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police [pəˈliːs]
1. npl (organization) → polizia fsg; (policemen) → poliziotti mpl
the railway/river police → la polizia ferroviaria/fluviale
a large number of police were hurt → molti poliziotti sono rimasti feriti
the police have caught him → è stato preso dalla polizia
extra police were brought in → sono state fatte intervenire forze di polizia supplementari
to join the police → arruolarsi nella polizia
2. vt (streets, city, frontier) → presidiare (fig) (agreements, prices) → controllare
to police a football match → presidiare lo stadio durante un incontro di calcio
3. adj (escort, protection) → di agenti di polizia
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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police (pəˈliːsnoun plural
the men and women whose job is to prevent crime, keep order, see that laws are obeyed etcCall the police!; The police are investigating the matter; (also adjective) the police force, a police officer.
to supply (a place) with police. We cannot police the whole area.
police dog
a dog trained to work with policemen (in tracking criminals, finding drugs etc).
poˈlicemanpoˈlicewoman nouns
a member of the police.
police station
the office or headquarters of a local police force. The lost dog was taken to the police station.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
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