This article is about the sworn body of people. For the term referring to "coroner's jury", see
inquest. For other uses, see
Jury (disambiguation).
jury is a sworn body of people convened to render an
impartial verdict (a
finding of fact on a question) officially submitted to them by a
court, or to set a
penalty or
judgment. Modern juries tend to be found in courts to ascertain the guilt, or lack thereof, in a crime. In Anglophone jurisdictions, the verdict may be
not guilty, or (in Scotland)
not proven. Juries are composed of jurors (also sometimes known as jurymen), who are by definition illiterates in the law and finders of fact, not professionals.
The old institution of
grand juries still exists in some places, particularly the
United States, to investigate whether enough evidence of a crime exists to bring someone to trial.
The jury arrangement has evolved out of the earliest juries, which were found in early medieval England. Members were supposed to inform themselves of crimes and then of the details of the crimes. Their function was therefore closer to that of a grand jury than that of a
jury in a trial.
Etymology [edit]
Types of jury [edit]
The "petit jury" (or "trial jury") hears the
evidence in a
trial as presented by both the
plaintiff (petitioner) and the
defendant (respondent). After hearing the evidence and often
jury instructions from the
judge, the group retires for
deliberation, to consider a verdict. The majority required for a verdict varies. In some cases it must be unanimous, while in other jurisdictions it may be a majority or
supermajority. A jury that is unable to come to a verdict is referred to as a
hung jury. The size of the jury varies; in
criminal cases involving serious felonies there are usually 12 jurors, although Scotland uses 15. A number of countries that are not in the English common law tradition have quasi-juries on which lay judges or jurors and professional judges deliberate together regarding criminal cases. It is the most common type of jury system.
civil cases many trials require fewer than twelve jurors. Juries are almost never used in civil cases outside the United States and Canada. Other states with a common law tradition sometimes use them in defamation cases, in cases involving a governmental eminent domain power, and in cases involving alleged wrongful conviction. Civil law countries generally do not use civil juries. Civil juries are available in theory in the United States and Canada in almost all cases where the only remedy sought is money damages, although in practice they are sought only in large dollar cases.
grand jury, a type of jury now confined almost exclusively to federal courts and some state jurisdictions in the United States, determines whether there is enough evidence for a
criminal trial to go forward. Grand juries carry out this duty by examining evidence presented to them by a
prosecutor and issuing
indictments, or by investigating alleged
crimes and issuing
presentments. A grand jury is traditionally larger than and distinguishable from the petit jury used during a trial, with at least 12 jurors. A grand jury does not require a suspect be notified of the proceedings, and grand juries can be used for filing charges in the form of a
sealed indictment against unaware suspects to be arrested later by a surprise police visit.
In addition to their primary role in screening criminal prosecutions and assisting in the investigation of crimes, grand juries in California, Florida,
[1] and some other U.S. states sometimes utilize grand juries to perform an investigative and policy audit function similar to that filled by the
General Accountability Office in the United States federal government and legislative state auditors in many U.S. states.
A third kind of jury, also known as a
coroner's jury can be convened in some common law jurisdiction in connnection with an
inquest by a
coroner, who is a public official (often an elected local government official in the United States), who is charged with determining the circumstances leading to a death in ambiguous or suspicious cases. A coroner's jury is generally a body that a coroner can convene on an optional basis in order to increase public confidence in the coroner's finding where there might otherwise be a controversy.
[2] In practice, coroner's juries are most often convened in order to avoid any appearance of impropriety by one governmental official in the criminal justice system towards another if no charged are filed against the person causing the death, when a governmental party such as a law enforcement officer was involved in the death.
Composition [edit]
Serving on a jury is normally compulsory for those individuals who are qualified for jury service. Since a jury is intended to be an impartial panel capable of reaching a verdict, there are often procedures and requirements, for instance, fluent understanding of the language, or the ability to test jurors or otherwise exclude jurors who might be perceived as less than neutral or more partial to hear one side or the other. Juries are initially chosen randomly from the eligible population residing in the court's jurisdictional area (unless a
change of venue has occurred).
Jury selection varies widely; in the United States, some form of organized questioning of the prospective jurors (jury pool) occurs—
voir dire—before the jury is
A head juror is called the "foreman" or "presiding juror". The foreman is often chosen before the trial begins or upon the beginning of deliberations. The role of the foreman is to ask questions on behalf of the jury,
facilitate jury discussions, and sometimes to read the verdict of the jury. Since there is always the possibility of jurors not completing the trial for health or other reasons, often one or more alternate jurors are nominated. Alternates hear the trial but do not take part in deciding the verdict unless a juror is unable to deliberate. In Connecticut, alternate jurors are dismissed before the panel of sworn jurors begin deliberation. Connecticut General Statutes 51-243(e) and 54-82h do not allow alternate jurors to be segregated from the regular sworn jurors. In civil cases in Connecticut, C.G.S. 51-243(e) declares that alternate jurors "shall be dismissed." This differs from the power given to the Court in criminal trials under C.G.S. 54-82h, permitting the Court to not dismiss the alternate jurors, and have the regular jury panel begin deliberations.
When an insufficient number of summoned jurors to handle a matter appear, the law frequently empowers the official convening the jury to involuntarily impress bystanders in the vicinity of the place where the jury to is be convened to serve on the jury.
Historical roots [edit]

The Jury an 1861 painting of a British jury
The modern jury evolved out of the ancient custom of many ancient
Germanic tribes whereby a group of men of good character was used to investigate crimes and/or judge the accused. The same custom evolved into the
vehmic court system in medieval Germany. In Anglo-Saxon England, juries investigated crimes. After the
Norman Conquest, some parts of the country preserved juries as the means of investigating crimes. The use of ordinary members of the community to consider crimes was unusual in ancient cultures, but was nonetheless also found in ancient Greece.
The modern
jury trial evolved out of this custom in the mid-12th century during the reign of
Henry II.
[5] Juries, usually 6 or 12 men, were an "ancient institution" in some parts of England, at the same time as Members consisted of representatives of the basic units of local government—
hundreds (an administrative sub-division of the
shire, embracing several vills) and villages. Called juries of presentment, these men testified under oath to crimes committed in their neighborhood and indicted. The
Assize of Clarendon in 1166 caused these juries to be adopted systematically throughout the country. The jury in this period was "self-informing," meaning it heard very little evidence or testimony in court. Instead, jurors were recruited from the locality of the dispute and were expected to know the facts before coming to court. The source of juror knowledge could include first-hand knowledge, investigation, and less reliable sources such as rumor and hearsay.
[6] John A. Makdisi argues that many concepts of
English common law, including juries at least partly, derive from
Islamic law. In the same period as
William the Conquerer conquered England, Norman adventurers led by
Robert Guiscard had
taken Sicily, previously under the Arab
Fatimid Caliphate. Thus, Makdisi claims, English law became influenced by the
Islamic law used in Sicily under the Fatimids, including the use of the twelve man jury. Makdisi suggests that Henry II's laws would have been influenced through people such as Thomas Brown, a member of Henry's government who had previously served in the Sicilian government.
Between 1166 and 1179 new procedures including a division of functions between the sheriff, the jury of local men, and the royal justices ushered in the era of the
English Common Law. Sheriffs prepared cases for trial and found jurors with relevant knowledge and testimony. Jurors 'found' a verdict by witnessing as to fact, even assessing and apply information from their own and community memory — little was written at this time and what was: deeds, writs, were subject to fraud. Royal justices supervised trials, answered questions as to law and announced the court's decision which was subject to appeal. Sheriffs executed the decision. These procedures enabled Henry II to delegate authority without endowing his subordinates with too much power. ("Henry II" 293)
In 1215 the
Roman Catholic Church removed its sanction from all forms of ordeal — procedures by which suspects were 'tested' as to guilt (e.g., the ordeal of hot metal was applied to a suspected thief by pouring molten metal into his hand, if the wound healed rapidly and well, it was believed God found the suspect innocent, if not then guilty). With the ordeals banned, establishing guilt would have been problematic, had England not had forty years of judicial experience. Justices were accustomed to asking jurors of presentment about points of fact in assessing indictments; it was a short step to ask jurors if the accused was guilty as charged. ("Henry II" 358)
An early reference to a jury type group in England is in a decree issued by Aethelred at Wantage (997), which enacted that in every Hundred "the twelve leading
thegns together with the
reeve shall go out and swear on the
relics which are given into their hands, that they will not accuse any innocent man nor shield a guilty one."
[8] The resulting
Wantage Code code formally recognized legal customs that were part of the
The testimonial concept can also be traced to
Normandy before 1066, when a jury of nobles was established to decide land disputes. In this manner, the Duke, being the largest land owner, could not act as a judge in his own case.
One of the earliest antecedents of modern jury systems are juries in
ancient Greece, including the
city-state of
Athens, where records of jury courts date back to 500
BCE. These voted by
secret ballot and were eventually granted the power to annul
unconstitutional laws, thus introducing
judicial review. In modern systems, law is "self-contained" and "distinct from other coercive forces, and perceived as separate from the political life of the community," but "all these barriers are absent in the context of classical Athens. In practice and in conception the law and its administration are in some important respects indistinguishable from the life of the community in general."
In juries of the
Justices in Eyre, the
bailiff of the hundred would choose 4 electors who in turn chose 12 others from their hundred, and from this was reduced to 12 jurors.
18th century England [edit]
In 1730, the British Parliament passed the Bill for Better Regulation of Juries.
[13] The Act stipulated that the list of all those liable for jury service was to be posted in each parish and that jury panels would be selected by lot, also known as
sortition, from these lists. Its aim was to prevent middle-class citizens from evading their responsibilities by financially putting into question the neutrality of the under-sheriff, the official entrusted with impanelling juries.
Prior to the Act, the main means of ensuring impartiality was by allowing legal challenges to the sheriff’s choices. The new provisions did not specifically aim at establishing impartiality, but had the effect of reinforcing the authority of the jury by guaranteeing impartiality at the point of selection.
The example of early 18th century England legal reform shows how civic lotteries can be used to organize the duties and responsibilities of the citizen body in relation to the state. It established the impartiality and neutrality of juries as well as reiterating the dual nature of the citizen-state relationship...
Trial jury size [edit]

About 50 prospective jurors awaiting jury selection
In Scotland, a jury in a criminal trial consists of 15 jurors, which is thought to be the largest in the world. In 2009 a review by the
Scottish Government regarding the possibility of reduction,
[15] led to the decision to retain 15 jurors, with the Secretary for Justice stating that after extensive consultation, he had decided that Scotland had got it "uniquely right".
For juries to fulfill their role to analyze the facts of the case, there are strict rules about their use of information during the trial. Juries are often instructed to avoid learning about the case from any source other than the trial (such as from
media accounts) and to not attempt to conduct their own investigations (such as independently visiting a
crime scene). Parties, lawyers, and witnesses are not allowed to speak with a member of the jury. Doing these things may constitute
reversible error. In very rare, high-profile cases, juries may be
sequestered for the deliberation phase or for the entire trial.
Conversely, jurors are generally required to keep their deliberations in
strict confidence during the trial and deliberations, and in some jurisdictions even after a verdict is rendered. In
English law, the jury's deliberations must never be disclosed outside the jury, even years after the case; to repeat parts of the trial or verdict, is considered to be
contempt of court, a criminal offense. In the United States, this rule usually does not apply, and sometimes jurors have made remarks that called into question whether a verdict was properly arrived at. In Australia, academics are permitted to scrutinize the jury process only after obtaining a certificate or approval from the Attorney-General.
A study by the
University of Glasgow showed that a jury of 12 people was ineffective because a few jurors ended up dominating the discussion, and that seven was a better number because more people feel comfortable speaking, and they have an easier time reaching a unanimous decision.
The role of the jury is seemingly accurate to a
finder of fact, while the judge is seen as having the sole responsibility of interpreting the appropriate law and instructing the jury accordingly. The jury will render a verdict on the defendant's guilt, or civil liability. Sometimes a jury will also make specific findings of fact in what is called a "special verdict." A verdict without specific findings of fact that includes only findings of guilt, civil liability and an overall amount of civil damages, if awarded, is called a "general verdict."
Juries are often justified because they leaven the law with community norms.
[18] Jury trial verdicts are not, however, legally binding precedents in other cases. For example, it would be possible for one jury to find that particular conduct is negligent, and another jury to find that it is not negligent, without either verdict being legally invalid, on precisely the same factual evidence. Occasionally, if jurors find the law to be invalid or unfair, they may acquit the defendant, regardless of the evidence that the defendant violated the law. This is commonly referred to as "jury nullification of law" or simply
jury nullification. When there is no jury ("bench trial"), the judge makes rulings on both questions of law and of fact. In most continental European jurisdictions, the judges have more power in a trial and the role and powers of a jury are often restricted. Actual jury law and trial procedures differ between countries.
The collective knowledge and deliberate nature of juries are also given as reasons in their favor:
Detailed interviews with jurors after they rendered verdicts in trials involving complex expert testimony have demonstrated careful and critical analysis. The interviewed jurors clearly recognized that the experts were selected within an adversary process. They employed sensible techniques to evaluate the experts’ testimony, such as assessing the completeness and consistency of the testimony, comparing it with other evidence at the trial, and evaluating it against their own knowledge and life experience. Moreover, the research shows that in deliberations jurors combine their individual perspectives on the evidence and debate its relative merits before arriving at a verdict.
In the United States, juries are also entitled, when asked to do so by a judge in their jury instructions, to make factual findings on particular aggravating circumstances which will be used to elevate the defendant's sentence, if the defendant is convicted. This practice was required in all
death penalty cases in
Blakely v. Washington, 542
U.S. 296 (2004), where the
Supreme Court ruled that allowing judges to make such findings unilaterally violates the
Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial. A similar Sixth-Amendment argument in
Apprendi v. New Jersey, 530
U.S. 466 (2000) expanded the requirement to all cases, holding that "any fact that increases the penalty for a crime beyond the prescribed statutory maximum must be submitted to a jury and proved beyond a reasonable doubt".
Many U.S. jurisdictions permit the seating of an advisory jury in a civil case in which there is no right to trial by jury to provide non-binding advice to the trial judge,
[21] although this procedural tool is rarely used. For example, a judge might seat an advisory jury to guide the judge in awarding non-economic damages in a case where there is no right to a jury trial, such as a personal injury suit brought against a state government.
In Canada, juries are also allowed to make suggestions for sentencing periods and at the time of sentencing, the suggestions of the jury are presented before the judge by the Crown prosecutor(s) before the sentence is handed down. A small number of U.S. jurisdictions, including Texas, give juries the right to set sentences as well as to find guilt or innocence.
However, this is not the practice in most other legal systems based on the English tradition, in which judges retain sole responsibility for deciding sentences according to law. The exception is the award of
damages in English law
libel cases, although a judge is now obliged to make a recommendation to the jury as to the appropriate amount.
In legal systems based on English tradition, findings of fact by a jury and jury conclusions that could be supported by jury findings of fact when the specific factual basis for the verdict is not known, are entitled to great deference on appeal. In other legal systems, it is generally possible to reconsidered both findings of fact and findings of law made at the trial court level and evidence may be presented to appellate courts in what amounts to a trial de novo of appealled findings of fact made by the court of first instance in a case. The finality of trial court findings of fact in legal systems based on the English tradition has major impact on court procedure in these systems. This finality makes it imperative that lawyers be highly prepared for trial in the first instance in high stakes cases with jury trials based on the English tradition, because errors and misjudgments related to the presentation of evidence at trial to a jury cannot generally be corrected later on appeal. Surprises at trial are much more consequential in jury trials in systems based on the English tradition than they are in other legal systems as a result, so in these systems trial preparation to avoid any possibility of surprise is more important than it might be otherwise.
Jury nullification [edit]
Jury nullification means making a law void by jury decision, in other words "the process whereby a jury in a criminal case effectively nullifies a law by acquitting a defendant regardless of the weight of evidence against him or her."
In the 17th and 18th centuries there were a series of cases starting in 1670 with the trial of the Quaker
William Penn which asserted the (de facto) right of a jury to pass a verdict contrary to the facts or law. A good example is the case of one
Carnegie of Finhaven who in 1728 accidentally killed the Scottish
Earl of Strathmore. As the defendant had undoubtedly killed the Earl, the law (as it stood) required the jury to pass the verdict that the case had been "proven" and cause Carnegie of Finhaven to die for an accidental killing. Instead the jury asserted what it believed to be their "ancient right" to judge the whole case and not just the facts and brought in the verdict of "not guilty". This led to the development of the
not proven verdict in
Scots law.
Today in the United States, juries are instructed by the judge to follow his or her instructions concerning what is the "law", in his or her opinion, and to render a verdict solely on the evidence presented in court. If it reaches a conclusion contrary to those instructions, but based on its own beliefs as to what the law is, whether it has been properly applied, or whether it should be the law, this is known as
jury nullification. It finds its most common expression when verdicts are rendered based on passion, prejudice, sympathy or bias. It has been asserted that the jury has the power to "nullify" a law it believes is unjust, by, for example, refusing to find the defendant guilty, in spite of the evidence, if it believes that a guilty verdict would be unjust. Important past exercises of this
de facto power include cases involving
slavery (see
Fugitive Slave Act of 1850),
freedom of the press (see
John Peter Zenger), and
freedom of religion (see
William Penn).
United States v. Moylan, 417 F.2d 1002 (4th. Cir. 1969),
Fourth Circuit Court of Appeal unanimously ruled: "If the jury feels that the law under which the defendant is accused is unjust, or exigent circumstances justified the actions of the accused, or for any reason which appeals to their logic or passion, the jury has the right to acquit, and the courts must abide that decision." The
Fully Informed Jury Association is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to informing jurors of their rights and seeks laws to force judges to inform jurors that they can and should judge the law. In
Sparf v. United States, 156
U.S. 51 (1895), the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, held that a trial judge has no responsibility to inform the jury of the right to nullify laws.
Modern American jurisprudence is generally intolerant of the practice, and a juror can be removed from a case if the judge believes that the juror is aware of the power of nullification.
Jury equity [edit]
In the United Kingdom, a similar power exists, often called "jury equity". This enables a jury to reach a decision in direct contradiction with the law if they feel the law is unjust. This can create a persuasive precedent for future cases, or render prosecutors reluctant to bring a charge – thus a jury has the power to influence the law.
Perhaps the best example of modern-day jury equity in
England and Wales was the acquittal of
Clive Ponting, on a charge of revealing secret information, under section 2 of the
Official Secrets Act 1911 in 1985. Mr Ponting's defence was that the revelation was in the public interest. The trial judge directed the jury that "the public interest is what the government of the day says it is" – effectively a direction to the jury to convict. Nevertheless, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
Another example is the acquittal in 1989 of
Michael Randle and
Pat Pottle, who confessed in open court to charges of springing the
Soviet spy George Blake from
Wormwood Scrubs Prison and smuggling him to
East Germany in 1966. Pottle successfully appealed to the jury to disregard the judge's instruction that they consider only whether the defendants were guilty in law, and assert a jury's ancient right to throw out a politically motivated prosecution, in this case compounded by its cynical untimeliness.
In Scotland (with a separate legal system from that of
England and Wales) although technically the "not guilty" verdict was originally a form of jury nullification, over time the interpretation has changed so that now the "not guilty" verdict has become the normal one when a jury is not persuaded of guilt and the "not proven" verdict is only used when the jury is not certain of innocence or guilt.
[25] It is absolutely central to Scottish and English law that there is a presumption of innocence. It is not a trivial distinction since any shift in the burden of proof is a significant change which undermines the safeguard for the citizen.
Advantages and Disadvantages of a jury system [edit]
Advantages of a jury system [edit]
- As there are many persons from different backgrounds, any individual prejudices are likely to cancel out.[original research?]
- Juries represent the common public and therefore are more likely to judge in line with generally accepted values of the society.
- Discussions among juries are likely to lead to more thorough consideration of all aspects of the case.
- It is more difficult to corrupt 12 jurors though than one (or three) judge(s).
Disadvantages of a jury system [edit]
- The jury members are with a few exceptions not knowledgeable about the law and are unfamiliar with court procedure, decisions might be based on emotions rather than rational arguing.[original research?]
- Complex cases tend to require special expertise to judge the case which a jury does not have.
- The jury members are more susceptible to the rhetoric impressions and mesmerised by the eloquence of a lawyer than a judge, they tend to be over-awed by the whole experience.
- Since the decision by jury is a group decision, individual members of the jury may not feel that responsible about their duties and therefore neglect it.
- Group pressure might be influential on the decision.
- Juries may be swayed by the current prejudices in the society, which are not supported by law.
Non-trial juries [edit]
Besides petit juries for
jury trials and grand juries for issuing indictments, juries are sometimes used in non-legal or quasi-legal contexts. Blue ribbon juries attend to civic matters as an ad-hoc body in the executive branch of a government. Outside government, a jury or panel of judges may make determinations in
competition, such as at a
wine tasting,
art exhibition, talent contest, or
reality game show. These types of contests are
juried competitions.
Blue ribbon juries are juries selected from prominent, well-educated citizens, sometimes to investigate a particular problem such as civic corruption. Blue ribbon juries cannot be used in real trials, which require constitutional safeguards to produce a jury of one's peers. The blue-ribbon jury is intended to overcome the problems of ordinary juries in interpreting complex technical or commercial questions. In the United States blue-ribbon juries were provided for by statutes, the terms varying by jurisdiction.
Trial procedures [edit]
Australia [edit]
States [edit]
state may determine the extent to which the use of a jury is used. The use of a jury is optional for
civil trials in any Australian state.
[citation needed] The use of a jury in criminal trials is generally by unanimous verdict of 12 lay members of the public. Some States provide exceptions such as majority (11-to-1 or 10-to-2) verdicts where a jury cannot otherwise reach a verdict. Sometimes a state law may allow an accused person to elect to use a judge-only trial rather than the default jury provision.
Commonwealth (Federal) [edit]
Constitution of Australia provides in section 80 that 'the trial on indictment of any offence against any law of the Commonwealth shall be by jury'. The Commonwealth can determine which offences are 'on indictment':
Cheng v The Queen (2000) 203 CLR 248 (McHugh and Callinan JJ, Kirby J dissenting). It would be entirely consistent with the Constitution that a
Homicide offence could be tried not 'on indictment,' or conversely that a simple
Assault could be tried 'on indictment.' This interpretation has been criticised a 'mockery' of the section, rendering it useless:
R v Federal Court of Bankruptcy; Ex parte Lowenstein (1939) 59 CLR 556 (Dixon and Evatt JJ dissenting).
Where a trial 'on indictment' has been prescribed, it is an essential element that it be found by a unanimous verdict of guilty by 12 lay members of the public. This requirement stems from the (historical) meaning of 'jury' at the time that the Constitution was written and is (in principle) thus an integral element of trial by jury:Cheatle v The Queen (1993) 177 CLR 541 (per curiam). Unlike States, an accused person cannot elect a Judge-only trial.
Belgium [edit]
The Belgian Constitution provides that all cases involving the most serious crimes be judged by juries. As a safeguard against libel cases, press crimes can also only be tried by jury. Racism is excluded from this safeguard.
Twelve jurors decide by majority whether the defendant is guilty or not. A tied vote results in 'not guilty'; a '7 guilty - 5 not guilty' vote is transferred to the 3 professional judges who can, by unanimity, reverse the majority to 'not guilty'. The sentence is delivered by a majority of the 12 jurors and the 3 professional judges.
[27] As a result of the Taxquet ruling the juries give nowadays the most important motives that lead them to their verdict. The procedural codification has been altered to meet the demands formulated by the European Court of Human Rights.
Brazil [edit]
Manslaughter and other crimes in which the killing was committed without intent, however, are judged by a professional judge instead.
Canada [edit]
Canada, juries are used for some criminal trials but not others. For
summary conviction offences[28] or offences found under
section 553 of the
Criminal Code of Canada, the trial is before a judge alone. For most
indictable offences, the accused person can elect to be tried by either a judge alone or a judge and jury.
[29] In the most serious offences, found in
section 469 of the
Criminal Code of Canada (such as murder or
treason), a judge and a jury are always used, unless both the accused and the prosecutor agree that the trial should not be in front of a jury.
[30] The jury's verdict on the ultimate disposition of guilt or innocence must be unanimous,
[31] but can disagree on the evidentiary route that leads to that disposition.
Juries do not make a recommendation as to the length of
sentence, except for parole ineligibility for
second-degree murder (but the judge is not bound by the jury's recommendation, and the jury is not required to make a recommendation).
Jury selection is in accordance with specific criteria. Prospective jurors may only be asked certain questions, selected for direct pertinence to impartiality or other relevant matters. Any other questions must be approved by the judge.
A jury in a criminal trial is initially composed of 12 jurors. There are no substitute jurors. Instead, if a juror is discharged during the course of the trial, the trial will continue unless the number of jurors goes below 10.
Canadian constitution guarantees that anyone tried for an offence that has a maximum sentence of five or more years has the right to be tried by a jury (except for an offence under
military law).
The names of jurors are protected by a
publication ban. There is a specific criminal offence for disclosing anything that takes place during jury deliberations.
Juries are infrequently used in civil trials in Canada. Because juries have no power to award
damages, as they do in the United States, there is less incentive to call for a trial with a jury.
England and Wales [edit]
England and Wales jury trials are used for criminal cases, requiring 12 (between the ages of 18 and 70) jurors. The right to a jury trial has been enshrined in English law since Magna Carta in 1215, and is most common in the serious cases, although the defendant can insist on a jury trial for most criminal matters. Jury trials have been described as expensive and time-consuming in complex fraud cases by some members and appointees of the
Labour Party.
[34] In contrast, the
Bar Council,
Liberty and other political parties have supported the idea that trial by jury is at the heart of the judicial system and placed the blame for a few complicated jury trials failing on inadequate preparation by the prosecution.
[35] On 18 June 2009 the
Lord Chief Justice,
Lord Judge, sitting in the
Court of Appeal, made English legal history by ruling that a criminal trial in the
Crown Court could take place without a jury.
Jury trials are also available for some few areas of civil law (for example cases involving police conduct), which require 10 jurors not 12, but less than one percent of civil trials involve juries.
[37] At the new
Manchester Civil Justice Centre, constructed in 2008, of the 48 courtrooms, fewer than 10 had jury facilities.
France [edit]
In the Cour d'assises [edit]
Three professionals judges sat alongside with six jurors (in first instance proceedings) or nine (in appeal proceedings) (before 2012, there were nine or twelve jurors, but it was reduced to cut spending). A two-third majority is needed in order to convict the defendant. During these procedures, judges and jurors have equal positions on questions of facts, while judges decide on questions of procedure. Judges and jurors have also equal positions on sentencing.
Germany [edit]
Trial by jury was introduced in most German states after the revolutionary events of 1848; however, it remained controversial and early in the 20th century there were moves to abolish it.
[38] The
Emminger Reform of January 4, 1924, during an
Article 48 state of emergency, abolished the jury system and replaced it with a mixed system including
bench trials and
lay judges. In 1925 the Social Democrats called for the reinstitution of the jury, and a special meeting of the German Bar demanded revocation of the decrees, but "on the whole the abolition of the jury caused little commotion".
[39] Their verdicts were widely perceived as
unjust and inconsistent.
Today, most misdemeanors are tried by a
Strafrichter, meaning a single judge at an
Amtsgericht; felonies and more severe misdemeanors are tried by a
Schöffengericht, also located at the
Amtsgericht, composed of 1 judge and 2 lay judges; some felonies are heard by
Erweitertes Schöffengericht, or extended
Schöffengericht, composed of 2 judges and 2 lay judges; severe felonies and other "special" crimes are tried by the
große Strafkammer, composed of 3 judges and 2 lay judges at the
Landgericht, with specially assigned courts for some crimes called
Sonderstrafkammer; felonies resulting in the death of a human being are tried by the
Schwurgericht, composed of 3 judges and 2 lay judges, located at the
Landgericht; and serious crimes against the state are tried by the
Strafsenat, composed of 5 judges' at an
[40] In some civil cases, such as commercial law or patent law, there are also lay judges, who have to meet certain criteria (e.g. being a merchant).
Hong Kong [edit]
Article 86 of the
Hong Kong basic law assures the practice of jury trials. Most serious criminal cases and some civil cases are tried by jury in
Hong Kong. In addition, from time to time, the Coroner’s Court may summon a jury to decide the cause of death in an inquest. Criminal cases are normally tried by a 7-person jury and sometimes, at the discretion of the court, a 9-person jury. Nevertheless, the Jury Ordinance requires that a jury in any proceedings should be composed of at least 5 jurors.
Although article 86 of the basic law states that ‘the principle of trial by jury previously practised in Hong Kong shall be maintained’, it does not guarantee that every case is to be tried by jury. In the case Chiang Lily v. Secretary for Justice (2010), the Court of Final Appeal agreed that ‘there is no right to trial by jury in Hong Kong.’
Juries were formerly used in India up until the famous
KM Nanavati v State of Maharashtra (1959), which led to the abolition of jury trials, although minor issues in rural areas are still handled by the
panchayat raj system of village assemblies.
In the Nanavati case, Kawas Manekshaw Nanavati was tried for the murder of his wife Sylvia's paramour, Prem Ahuja. The incident shocked the nation, got unprecedented media coverage, and inspired several books and movies. The case was the last jury trial held in India. The central question of the case was whether the gun went off accidentally or whether it was a premeditated murder.
In the former scenario, Nanavati would be charged under the Indian penal code, for culpable homicide, with a maximum punishment of 10 years. In the latter, he would be charged with murder, with the sentence being death or life imprisonment. Nanavati pleaded not guilty. His defence team argued it was a case of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, while the prosecution argued it was premeditated murder.
The jury in the Greater Bombay sessions court pronounced Nanavati not guilty with an 8–1 verdict. The sessions judge considered the acquittal as perverse and referred the case to the high court. The prosecution argued that the jury had been misled by the presiding judge on four crucial points. One, the onus of proving that it was an accident and not premeditated murder was on Nanavati. Two, was Sylvia's confession of the grave provocation for Nanavati, or any specific incident in Ahuja's bedroom or both. Three, the judge wrongly told the jury that the provocation can also come from a third person. And four, the jury was not instructed that Nanavati's defence had to be proved, to the extent that there is no reasonable doubt in the mind of a reasonable person. The court accepted the arguments, dismissed the jury's verdict and the case was freshly heard in the high court. Since the jury had also been influenced by media and public support for Nanavati and was also open to being misled, the Indian government abolished jury trials after the case.
Ireland [edit]
History of juries in Ireland [edit]
Juries were introduced into Ireland as part of the transplantation of
common law.
Modern Irish juries [edit]
Ireland, a common law jurisdiction jury trials are available for criminal before the
Circuit Court,
Central Criminal Court and defamation cases. Consisting of twelve persons, juries are selected from a jury panel which is picked at random by the county registrar from the electoral register. Juries only decide questions of fact. They have no role in criminal sentencing. It is not necessary that a jury be unanimous in its verdict. In civil cases, a
verdict may be reached by a majority of nine of the twelve members. In a criminal case, a verdict need not be unanimous where there are not fewer than eleven jurors if ten of them agree on a verdict after considering the case for a "reasonable time".
The constitutional provisions regulating the Trial of Offences are set out in article 37 of the
Irish Constitution.
DPP v McNally sets out that a jury has the right to reach a not guilty verdict even in direct contradiction of the evidence. The principal statute regulating the selection, obligations and conduct of juries is the Juries Act 1976 as amended by the
Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008, which scrapped the upper age limit of 70. Juries are not paid, nor do they receive travel expenses, however they do receive lunch for the days that they are serving.
Italy, a
Civil law jurisdiction, untrained judges are present only in the
Corte d'Assise, where two career magistrates are supported by six so-called
Lay Judges, who are raffled from the registrar of voters. Any Italian citizen, with no distinction of sex or religion, between 30 and 65 years of age, can be appointed as a lay judge; in order to be eligible as a lay judge for the
Corte d'Assise, however, there is a minimum educational requirement, as the lay judge must have completed his/her education at the
Scuola Media (junior high school) level, while said level is raised for the
Corte d'Assise d'Appello (appeal level of the
Corte d'Assise) to the
Scuola Superiore (senior high school) degree. In the
Corte d'Assise, decisions concerning both fact and law matters are taken by the
stipendiary judges and "Lay Judges" together at a special meeting behind closed doors, named
Camera di Consiglio ("Counsel Chamber"), and the Court is subsequently required to publish written explanations of its decisions within 90 days from the verdict. Errors of law or inconsistencies in the explanation of a decision can and usually will lead to the annulment of the decision. A Court d'Assise and a Court d' Assise d'Appello decides on a majority of votes, and therefore predominantly on the votes of the lay judges, who are a majority of six to two, but in fact lay judges, who are not trained to write such explanation and must rely on one or the other stipendiary judge to do it, are effectively prevented from overruling both of them. The
Corte d'Assise has jurisdiction to try crimes carrying a maximum penalty of 24 years in prison or life imprisonment, and other serious crimes; felonies that fall under its jurisdiction include
terrorism, murder,
manslaughter, severe attempts against State personalities, as well as some matters of law requiring ethical and professional evaluations (ex.
assisted suicide), while it generally has no jurisdiction over cases whose evaluation requires knowledge of Law which the "Lay Judges" generally don't have. Penalties imposed by the court can include
life sentences.
New Zealand [edit]
Juries are used in trials for all
indictable offences and, at the option of the defendant,
summary offences that can be punished with more than 3 months in prison. In civil cases juries are usually only used in cases of
defamation. Previously requiring unanimous support,
New Zealand now permits majority results of 10-1 or 11-1.
Northern Ireland [edit]
Norway [edit]
The jury was introduced in 1887, and is solely used in criminal cases on the second tier of the three-tier Norwegian court system ("
Lagmannsretten"). The jury consists of 10 people, and has to reach a majority verdict consisting of seven or more of the jurors.
[42] The jury never gives a reason for its verdict, rather it simply gives a "guilty" or "non-guilty" verdict.
In a sense, the concept of being judged by one's peers exists on both the first and second tier of the Norwegian court system: In
Tingretten, one judge and two lay judges preside, and in Lagmannsretten three judges and four lay judges preside (if a jury is not used). The lay judges do not hold any legal qualification, and represent the peers of the person on trial, as members of the general public. As a guarantee against any abuse of power by the educated elite, the number of lay judges always exceeds the number of appointed judges. In the
Supreme Court, only
trained lawyersare seated.
Scotland [edit]
Scottish trials are based on an adversarial approach. First the prosecution leads evidence from witnesses and after each witness the defence has an opportunity to cross examine. Following the Prosecution case, the defence may move a motion of
no case to answer if the worst the prosecution has been able to lead in evidence would be insufficient to convict of any crime. If there remains a case to answer, the defence leads evidence from witnesses in an attempt to refute previous evidence led by the prosecution, with cross examination being permitted after each witness. Once both prosecution and defence have concluded leading evidence, the case goes to summing up where firstly the prosecution and then the defence get to sum up their case based on the evidence that has been heard. The jury is given guidance on points of law and then sent out to consider its verdict. Juries are composed of fifteen residents.
Spain had no established tradition of using juries in trials, but the
Constitution of 1978, legislates the right to a trial by jury, called "popular jury" as opposed to a "magistrates jury". The provision is arguably somewhat vague:
"Section 125 - Citizens may engage in popular action and take part in the administration of justice through the institution of the jury, in the manner and with respect to those criminal trials as may be determined by law, as well as in customary and traditional courts."
Jury trials have been very slowly introduced in Spain and have often produced less than desirable results.
[citation needed] One of the first cases was that of Mikel Otegi who was tried in 1997 for the murder of two police officers. After a confused
[clarification needed] trial, five jury members of a total of nine voted to acquit and the judge ordered the accused set free. This verdict shocked the nation.
[44] Another alleged miscarriage of justice by jury trial was the
Wanninkhof murder case.
Sweden [edit]
Sweden has no tradition of using juries in most types of criminal or civil trial. The sole exception, since 1815, is in cases involving freedom of the press, prosecuted under Chapter 7 of the Freedom of the Press Act, part of Sweden's constitution.
[45] The most frequently prosecuted offence under this act is
defamation, although in total eighteen offences, including high treason and espionage, are covered. These cases are tried in district courts (first tier courts) by a jury of nine laymen.
The jury in press freedom cases rules only on the facts of the case and the question of guilt or innocence. The trial judge may overrule a jury's guilty verdict, but may not overrule an acquittal. A conviction requires a majority verdict of 6-3. Sentencing is the sole prerogative of judges.
Jury members must be Swedish citizens and resident in the county in which the case is being heard. They must be of sound judgement and known for their independence and integrity. Combined, they should represent a range of social groups and opinions, as well as all parts of the county. It is the county council that have the responsibility to appoints juries for a tenure of four years under which they may serve in multiple cases. The appointed jurymen are divided into two groups, in most counties the first with sixteen members and the second with eight. From this pool of available jurymen the court hears and excludes those with conflicts of interest in the case, after which the defendants and plaintiffs have the right to exclude a number of members, varying by county and group. The final jury is then randomly selected by drawing of lots.
Juries are not used in other criminal and civil cases. For most other cases in the first and second tier courts lay judges sit alongside professional judges. Lay judges participate in deciding both the facts of the case and sentencing. Lay judges are appointed by local authorities, or in practice by the political parties represented on the authorities.
[48] Lay judges are therefore usually selected from among political activists.
United States [edit]
In criminal law in United States, in federal courts and in a minority of state court systems, a grand jury is convened to hear only
testimony and
evidence to determine whether there is a case to be answered and hence whether the accused should be
indicted and sent for trial. In each court district where a grand jury is required, a group of 16–23 citizens holds an inquiry on criminal complaints brought by the prosecutor and decides if a trial is warranted (based on the standard that probable cause that a crime was committed exists), in which case an indictment is issued. In general, the size of juries tends to be larger if the crime alleged is more serious. If a grand jury rejects a proposed indictment it is known as a "no bill"; if they accept to endorse a proposed indictment it is known as a "true bill". Grand jury proceedings are
ex parte: only the prosecutor may present evidence to the grand jury and defendants are not allowed to present mitigating evidence or even to know the testimony that was presented to the grand jury, and hearsay evidence is permitted. Grand juries vote to indict in the overwhelming majority of cases, and prosecutors are not prohibited from presenting the same case to a new grand jury if a "no bill" was returned by a previous grand jury. A typical grand jury considers a new criminal case every fifteen minutes. In some jurisdictions, in addition to indicting people for crimes, a grand jury may also issue reports on matters that they investigate apart from the criminal indictments that it produces, particularly when the grand jury investigation involves a public scandal. Historically, grand juries were sometimes used in American law to serve a purpose similar to an investigatory commission.
Article III of the U.S. Constitution and the
Sixth Amendment require that
criminal cases be tried by a jury,
[49] and the
Fourteenth Amendment applies this mandate to the states. Although the initial draft did not require a jury for
civil cases, this led to an uproar which was followed by the
Seventh Amendment, which requires a civil jury in cases where the value in dispute is greater than twenty dollars.
[50] However, the Seventh Amendment right to a civil jury trial does not apply in
state courts, where the right to a jury is strictly a matter of state law.
[51] However, in practice, all states except Louisiana preserve the right to a jury trial in almost all civil cases where the sole remedy sought is money damages to the same extent as jury trials are permitted by the Seventh Amendment, although sometimes jury trials are not allowed in small claims cases. The civil jury in the United States is a defining element of the process by which personal injury trials are handled.
In practice most criminal actions in the U.S. are resolved by
plea bargain,
[52] and only about 2% of civil cases go to trial, with only about half of those trials being conducted before juries.
In 1898 the Supreme Court held that the jury must be composed of at least twelve persons, although this was not necessarily extended to state civil jury trials.
[50] In 1970, however, the Supreme Court held that the twelve persons requirement was a "historical accident", and upheld six-person juries in both criminal and civil cases. There is controversy over smaller juries, with proponents arguing that they are more efficient and opponents arguing that they lead to fluctuating verdicts.
[50] In later case, however, the court rejected the use of 5-person juries in criminal cases.
[50] Juries go through a selection process called
voir dire in which the lawyers question the jurors and then make "peremptory strikes" (remove jurors). Traditionally the removal of jurors required no justification or explanation, but the tradition has been challenged by the Supreme Court. Since the 1970s "
scientific jury selection" has become popular.
Unanimous jury verdicts have been standard in Western law. This standard was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1897, but it was rejected in 1972 in two criminal cases. As of 1999 over thirty states had laws allowing less than unanimity in civil cases, but Oregon and Louisiana are the only states which have laws allowing less than unanimous jury verdicts for criminal cases.
[50] When the required number of jurors cannot agree on a verdict (a situation sometimes referred to as a
hung jury), a
mistrial is declared, and the case may be retried with a newly constituted jury. The practice generally was that the jury rules only on questions of facts on guilt; setting the penalty was reserved for the judge. This has not been changed by rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court such as in
Ring v. Arizona, 536
U.S. 284 (2002), which found Arizona's practice, having the judge decide on aggravating factors making a defendant eligible for the death penalty, to be unconstitutional, and reserved that decision for the jury. However, in some states (such as Alabama or Florida), the ultimate decision on the punishment is made by the judge, and the jury gives only a non binding recommendation. The judge can impose the death penalty even if the jury recommends life without parole.
There is no set format for jury deliberations, and the jury will take a period of time to settle into discussing the evidence. Electing a foreman is usually the first step, although for a particularly short or straightforward case, this may not happen until the delivery of the verdict. If a foreman is elected at the beginning, he or she will chair the discussions. The first step will typically be to find out the initial feeling or reaction to the case, which may be by a show of hands, or via secret ballot. The jury will then attempt to arrive at a consensus verdict. The exchanges of views caused by people whose opinions differ from the emerging consensus will air the issues involved in the case, and consequently points will often arise from the trial that were not specifically discussed during it. The result of these discussions is likely to be that one interpretation is shown to be the most reasonable, and a verdict is thus achieved.
In civil cases, a petit jury determines liability and damages based upon jury instructions provided by the judge.
In criminal cases, after it is determined that a case will proceed to trial, a separate
petit jury (formed of
petit jurors) is then convened to hear the
trial. In a few states and in death penalty cases, depending upon the law, a third jury or more often the same jury, will determine what the penalty should be or recommend what the penalty should be in the penalty phase. Usually, however, sentencing will be handled by the judge at a separate hearing. At a sentencing hearing, the burden of proof is now preponderance of the evidence, not proof beyond a reasonable doubt and hearsay is allowed. This practice gives the judge the power to change the finding of the jury when deciding on a sentence.
When used alone the term jury usually refers to a petit jury, rather than a grand jury.
Jury selection [edit]
Main article:
Jury selection
Jurors are selected from a jury pool formed for a specified period of time—usually from one day to two weeks—from lists of citizens living in the jurisdiction of the court. The lists may be electoral rolls (i.e., a list of registered voters in the locale), people who have driver's licenses or other relevant data bases. When selected, being a member of a jury pool is, in principle, compulsory. Prospective jurors are sent a
summons and are obligated to appear in a specified jury pool room on a specified date.
However, jurors can be released from the pool for several reasons including illness, prior commitments that can't be abandoned without hardship, change of address to outside the court's jurisdiction, travel or employment outside the jurisdiction at the time of duty, and others. Often jurisdictions pay token amounts for jury duty and many issue stipends to cover transportation expenses for jurors. Work places cannot penalize employees who serve jury duty. Payments to jurors varies by jurisdiction.
In the United States jurors for
grand juries are selected from jury pools.
Selection of jurors from a jury pool occurs when a trial is announced and juror names are randomly selected and called out by the jury pool clerk. Depending on the type of trial—whether a 6 person or 12 person jury is needed, in the United States—anywhere from 15 to 30 prospective jurors are sent to the courtroom to participate in voir dire, pronounced
[vwaʁ diʁ] in French, and defined as the oath to speak the truth in the examination testing competence of a juror, or in another application, a witness. Once the list of prospective jurors has assembled in the courtroom the court clerk assigns them seats in the order their names were originally drawn. At this point the judge often will ask each prospective juror to answer a list of general questions such as name, occupation, education, family relationships, time conflicts for the anticipated length of the trial. The list is usually written up and clearly visible to assist nervous prospective jurors and may include several questions uniquely pertinent to the particular trial. These questions are to familiarize the judge and attorneys with the jurors and glean biases, experiences, or relationships that could jeopardize the proper course of the trial.
After each prospective juror has answered the general slate of questions the attorneys may ask follow-up questions of some or all prospective jurors. Each side in the trial is allotted a certain number of challenges to remove prospective jurors from consideration. Some challenges are issued during voir dire while others are presented to the judge at the end of voir dire. The judge calls out the names of the anonymously challenged prospective jurors and those return to the pool for consideration in other trials. A jury is formed, then, of the remaining prospective jurors in the order that their names were originally chosen. Any prospective jurors not thusly impaneled return to the jury pool room.
Jury behavior [edit]
Scholarly research on jury behavior in American non-capital criminal felony trials reveals that juror outcomes appear to track the opinions of the median juror, rather than the opinions of the extreme juror on the panel, although juries were required to render unanimous verdicts in the jurisdictions studied.
[56] Thus, although juries must render unanimous verdicts, in run-of-the-mill criminal trials they behave in practice as if they were operating using a majority rules voting system.
Jury effectiveness [edit]
As much of the research on social
conformity suggests, individuals tend to lose their sense of individuality when faced with powerful group forces (i.e.,
normative influence;
informational influence; interpersonal influence).
[57] This seemingly stark realization raises the question: Is the effectiveness of jury decision-making compromised by individuals’ tendencies to conform to the normative transmissions of a group?
Since a clear
archetype for determining guilt does not exist, the criminal justice system must rely on rulings handed down by juries. Even after a decision has been made, it is virtually impossible to know whether a jury has been correct or incorrect in freeing or accusing a defendant of a crime. Although establishing the effectiveness of juries is an arduous task, contemporary research has provided partial support for the proficiency of juries as decision makers.
The role of a Juror [edit]
Evidence has shown that jurors typically take their roles very seriously.
[58] According to Simon (1980), jurors approach their responsibilities as decision makers much in the same way as a court judge – with great seriousness, a lawful mind, and a concern for consistency that is evidence-based. By actively processing evidence, making inferences, using common sense and personal experiences to inform their decision-making, research has indicated that jurors are effective decision makers that seek thorough understanding, rather than passive, apathetic participants unfit to serve on a jury.
Judge-jury agreement [edit]
Evidence supporting jury effectiveness has also been illustrated in studies that investigate the parallels between judge and jury decision-making.
[60] According to Kalven and Zeisel (1966), it is not uncommon to find that the verdicts passed down by juries following a trial match the verdicts held by the appointed judges. Upon surveying judges and jurors of approximately 8000 criminal and civil trials, it was discovered that the verdicts handed down by both parties were in agreement 80% of the time.
Buffering effects [edit]
Jurors, like most individuals, are not free from holding social and cognitive
biases. Oftentimes people negatively judge individuals who do not adhere to established
social norms (e.g., individuals who dress “freakishly”) or do not meet societal standards of success. Although these biases tend to influence jurors’ individual decisions during a trial,
[61] while working as part of a group (i.e., jury), these biases are typically controlled.
[62] Groups tend to exert buffering effects that allow jurors to disregard their initial personal biases when forming a credible group decision.
- ^
- ^ See, e.g., Section 1245.1 of Pennsylvania's codified laws regarding coroners.
- ^ See, e.g., Inquest Schedule, Jury Findings and Vedicts (2013) of British Columbia. (retrieved March 8, 2013)
- ^ See, e.g., Sections 13-71-112 and 30-10-607, Colorado Revised Statutes
- ^ W.L. Warren, "Henry II" University of California Press,(1973)
- ^ Daniel Klerman, "Was the Jury Every Self-Informing" Southern California Law Review 77: (2003), 123.
- ^
- ^ Oxford History of England, 2nd ed 1955, vol III Domesday Book to Magna Carta, A l Poole, pp.397–398.
- ^ Garnish, Lis (1995). "Wantage Church History". Local History Series. Vale and Downland Museum. Retrieved 2009-09-24.
- ^ See, for example, discussions of the Brunner theory of testimonial, rather than judicial participation as jury origin, explored in MacNair, Vicinage and the Antecedents of the Jury - I. Theories, in Law and History Review, Vol. 17 No 3, 1999, pp. 6–18.
- ^ Carey, Christopher. "Legal Space in Classical Athens." Greece & Rome 41(2): October 1994, pp. 172–186.
- ^ Holdsworth, William Searle (1922). A History of English Law 1 (3 ed.). Little, Brown. pp. 268–269. OCLC 48555551.
- ^ Dowlen, Oliver. Sorted: Civic Lotteries and the Future of Public Participation. (MASS LBP: Toronto, 2008) pp 38
- ^ Williams, at 86
- ^ Review could reduce jury numbers BBC News, 26 April 2008
- ^ Scotland's unique 15-strong juries will not be abolished The Scotsman, 11 May 2009
- ^ Is "The More the Merrier?", Mental Floss, November–December 2011, p. 74
- ^ Sanders, Joseph (16 January 2008). "A Norms Approach to Jury "Nullification:" Interests, Values, and Scripts". Law & Policy (Law & Policy) 30 (1): 12–45. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9930.2008.00268.x
- ^ Jury Trials: In Favor eJournal USA, Anatomy of a Jury Trial, 1 July 2009
- ^ Apprendi, at 490
- ^ See, e.g., Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 52 (2011); Colorado Rule of Civil Procedure 52 (2011).
- ^ "jury nullification definition - Dictionary - MSN Encarta". Archived from the original on 2009-10-31.
- ^ Nullifying the Jury: “The Judicial Oligarchy” Declares War on Jury Nullification Washburn Law Journal May 2, 2007
- ^ New Statesman, 2000-10-09.
- ^ Luckhurst, Tim (March 20, 2005). "The case for keeping 'not proven' verdict". The Sunday Times, TimesOnline. Retrieved 2009-09-24.
- ^ Broadbridge, Sally (15 May 2009). "The "not proven" verdict in Scotland". Standard Note SN/HA/2710. U.K. Parliament, House of Commons, Home Affairs Section. Retrieved 2009-09-24.[dead link]
- ^ Taxquet v Belgium, 13-01-2009
- ^ Criminal Code of Canada, s. 785 "summary conviction court"
- ^ Criminal Code of Canada, s. 536
- ^ Criminal Code of Canada, ss. 471-473
- ^ a b c d Criminal Code of Canada, Part XX: Jury Trials
- ^ R. v. Tatcher, [1987] 1 S.C.R. 652
- ^ R. v. Robinson (2004), 189 C.C.C. (3d) 152 (Ont. C.A.)
- ^ Lloyd-Bostock S, Thomas C. (1999). DECLINE OF THE "LITTLE PARLIAMENT": JURIES AND JURY REFORM IN ENGLAND AND WALES.Law and Contemporary Problems.
- ^ Freeman, Simon (21 June 21, 2005). "Jury trials 'intolerable' in major fraud cases". The Sunday Times.
- ^ "First trial without jury approved". BBC News. 18 June 2009.
- ^ Glendon MA, Carozza PG, Picker CB. (2008) Comparative Legal Traditions, p. 251. Thomson-West.
- ^ Casper, Gerhard; Zeisel, Hans (January 1972). "Lay Judges in the German Criminal Courts". Journal of Legal Studies 1(1): 135–191 [139]. doi:10.1086/467481. JSTOR 724014.
- ^ Casper, Gerhard; Zeisel, Hans (January 1972). "Lay Judges in the German Criminal Courts". Journal of Legal Studies 1(1): 135–191 [140]. doi:10.1086/467481. JSTOR 724014.
- ^ Casper, Gerhard; Zeisel, Hans (January 1972). "Lay Judges in the German Criminal Courts". Journal of Legal Studies 1(1): 135–191 [142]. doi:10.1086/467481. JSTOR 724014.
- ^ "NZ's first majority guilty verdict". Stuff. Retrieved 2009-06-03.
- ^ "Lov om rettergangsmåten i straffesaker (Straffeprosessloven)". Lovdata. Retrieved 2008-08-22.
- ^ "Why Was I Picked For Jury Service?". Courtroom Advice. Retrieved 2010-09-21.
- ^ ESPAÑA | Juicio a Mikel Otegi por asesinar a dos ertzainas. Un jurado popular adsuelve al joven de Jarrai
- ^ [1]
- ^ Tryckfrihetsförordning (1949:105-SFS 2010:1409) Riksdagen (Swedish)
- ^ The Freedom of the Press Act/Sweden The International Constitutional Law Project
- ^ [2]
- ^ King NJ (1999). "The American Criminal Jury". Law and Contemporary Problems 62 (2): 41–67.doi:10.2307/1192252. JSTOR 1192252. Retrieved 2009-06-04.
- ^ a b c d e f Landsman S. (1999). "The Civil Jury in America". Law and Contemporary Problems 62 (2): 285–304.doi:10.2307/1192260. JSTOR 1192260. Retrieved 2009-06-04.
- ^ Amar, A.R. (1998). The Bill of Rights. New Haven, CT: Yale University. pp. 81–118.
- ^ "Plea Bargains and the Role of Judges". 2008 National Convention Breakout Session. The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (ACS). Retrieved 2009-09-24.
- ^ Unanimous Jury Votes for Life Sentence, but Alabama Judge Imposes Death Death Penalty Information Center
- ^ This power is often used in drug cases "to impose an enhanced sentence ... based on the sentencing judge’s determination of a fact that was not found by the jury or admitted by the defendant". In April 2008, the U.S. District Court, in a236 page opinion to address this ruled that juries should be told before they deliberate if a defendant is facing a mandatory minimum sentence and also called it "inappropriate" to ignore the juries power to refuse to convict (jury nullification).
- ^
- ^ Patrick J. Bayer, Randi Hjalmarsson, Shamena Anwar, "Jury Discrimination in Criminal Trials" (September 2010) Economic Research Initiatives at Duke (ERID) Working Papers Series No. 55
- ^ a b Forsyth, D.R. 2010. Group Dynamics, 5th Edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. ISBN 0-534-36822-0
- ^ Simon, R. J. (1980). The jury: Its role in American society. Lexington, MA: Heath
- ^
- ^ a b Kalven, H. & Zeisel, H. (1966). The American Jury. Boston: Little, Brown.
- ^ Wrightsman, L., Nietzel, M. T., & Fortune, W. H. (1998). Psychology and the legal system (4th edition). Monterey, California: Brooks/Cole.
- ^ Kerr, N. L., & Huang, J. Y. (1986). How much difference does one juror make in jury deliberation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 12, 325-343.