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서울 서초구 반포대로 14길 30, 센추리 412호. TEL: 010-6350-1799 이메일:jawala.lee@gmail.com. Attorney at Law, Tax, Patent. Lee,Jae Wook is a member of the Korean Bar Association and Illinois Bar Association. Licensed to practice in KOREA and U.S.A., Illinois. Attorney Lee has worked since 1997.3. as a prominent Attorney in the legal service field including tax, law, patent, immigration, transaction across the border. You can find more at http://taxnlaw.co.kr

2013년 4월 3일 수요일

Title, Risk, & Insurable Interest

The sale of goods transfer ownership (title) from the seller to the buyer. Often, a sales contract is signed before the actual goods are available. For example, a sales contract for oranges may be signed in May, but the oranges may not be ready for picking and shipment until October. Any number of things can happen between the time the sales contrat is signed and the time the goods are actually transferred to the buyer's possession. For example, fire, flood, or frost may destroy the orange groves, or the oranges may be lost or damaged in transit. Because of these possibilities, it is important to know the rights and liabilities (duties) of the parties between the time the contract is formed and the time the goods are actually received by the buyer.
Before the creation of the UCC, title -- the right of ownership -- was the central concept in sales law, controlling all issues of rights and remedies of the parties to a sales contract. There were numerous problems with the concept. For example, frequently it was difficult to determine when title actually passed from seller to buyer, and therefore it was also difficult to predict which party a court would decide had title at the time of loss. Because of such problems, the UCC divorced the question of title as completely as possible from the question of the rights and obligations of buyers, sellers, and third parties (such as subsequent purchasers, creditors, or the tax collector). In some situations, title is still relevant under the UCC and the UCC has special rules for locating title. In most situations, however, the UCC has replaced the concept of title with three other concepts: (1) identification, (2) risk of loss, and (3) insurable interest.


Before any interest in specific goods can pass from the seller to the buyer, two conditions must prevail: (1) the goods must be in existence, and (2) they must be identified as the specific goods designated in the contract.
Identification is a designation of goods as the subject matter of a sale contract. Title and risk of loss cannot pass to the buyer unless the goods are identified to the contract. [UCC 2-105(2)] Identification is significant because it gives the buyer the right to insurce (or obtain an insurable interest in) goods and the right to recover from third parties who damage the goods.
Once the goods are in existence, the parties can agree in their contract on when identification will take place. If they do not so specify, however, the UCC determines when identification takes place. [UCC 2-505(1)]

Existing Goods

If the contract calls for the sale or lease of specific and ascertained goods that are already in existence, identification takes place at the time the contract is made. For example, you contract to purchase a fleet of five cars by the serial numbers listed for the cars.

Future Goods

If a sale involves unborn animals to be born within twelve months after contracting, identification takes place when the animals are conceived. If a sale involves crops that are to be harvested within twelve months (or the next harvest season occurring after contracting, whichever is longer), identification takes place when the crops are planted or begin to grow. In a sale of any other future goods, identification occurs when the goods are shipped, marked, or otherwise designated by the seller or lessor as the goods to which the contract refers.

Goods that are Part of a Larger Mass

Goods that are part of a larger mass are identified when the goods are marked, shipped, or somehow designated by the seller as the particular goods to pass under the contract. Suppose that a buyer orders 1,000 cases of beans from a 10,000-case lot. Until the seller separates the 1,000 cases of beans from the 10,000-case lot, title and risk of loss remain with the seller.
A common exception to this rule deals with fungible goods. Fungible goods are goods that are alike naturally, by agreement, or by trade usage. Typical examples are specific grades or types of wheat, oil, and wine, usually stored in large containers. if these goods are held or intended to be held by owners in common (owners having shares undividied from the entire mass), a seller-owner can pass title and risk of loss to the buyer without an actual separation. The buyer replaces the seller as an owner in common. [UCC 2-105(4)]
For example, A, B, & C are famrers. They deposit, respectively, 5,000 bushels, 3,000 bushels, and 2,000 bushels of grain of the same grade and quality in a bin. The three become owners in common, with A owning 50% of the 10,000 bushels, B 30%, and C 2%. A could contract to sell 5,000 bushels of grain to D and, because the goods are fungible, pass title and risk of loss to D without physically separating 5,000 bushels. D now becomes an owner in common with B and C.

When Title Passes

Once goods exist and are identified, the provisions of UCC 2-401 apply to the passage of title. In virtually all subsections of UCC 2-401, the words "unless otherwise explicitly agreed" appear, meaning that any explicit understanding between the buyer and the seller determines when title passes. Unless an agreement is explicitly made, title passes to the buyer at the time and the place the seller performs the physical delivery of the goods. [UCC 2-401(2)]

Shipment & Destination Contracts

In the absence of agreement, delivery arrangements can determine when title passes from the seller to the buyer.
In a shipment contract, the seller is required or authorized to ship goods by carrier, such as a trucking company. Under a shpment contract, the seller is required only to deliver the goods into the hands of a carrier, and title passes to the buyer at the time and place of shipment. Generally, all contracts are assumed to be shipman contracts if nothing to the contrary is said in the contract.
In a destination contract, the seller is required to deliver the goods to a particular destination, usually directly to the buyer, although sometimes the buyer designates that the goods should be delivered to another party. Title passes to the buyer when the goods aretendered at that destination. [UCC 2-401(2)(b)]. A tender of delivery is the seller's placing or holding of conforming goods at the buyer's disposition (with any necessary notice), enabling the buyer to take delivery. [UCC 2-503(1)]

Delivery Without Movement of the Goods

When the contract of sale does not call for the seller's shipment or delivery of the goods (when the buyer is to pick up the goods), the passage of title depends on whether the seller must deliver a document of title, such as a bill of lading or a warehouse receipt, to the buyer. A bill of lading is a receipt for goods that is signed by a carrier and that serves as a contract for the transportation of the goods. A warehouse receipt is a receipt issued by a warehouser for goods stored in a warehouse.
When a document of title is required, title passes to the buyer when and where the doument is delivered. Thus, if the goods are stored in a warehouse, title passes to the buyer when the appropriate documents are delivered to the buyer. The goods never move. In fact, the buyer can choose to leave the goods at the same ware house for a period of time, and the buyer's title to those goods will be unaffected.
When no documents of title are required, and delivery is made without moving the goods, title passes at the time and place the sales contract is made, if the goods have already been identified. If the goods have not been identified, title does not pass until identification occurs. For example: Rogers sells lumber to Bodan. That agree that Bodan will pick up the lumber at the yard. If the lumber has been identified (segregated, marked, or in any other way distinguished from all other lumber), title passes to Bodan when the contract is signed. If the lumber is still in storage bins at the mill, title does not pass to Bodan until the particular pieces of lumber to be sold under this contract are identified. [UCC 2-401(3)].

Sales by Non-Owners

Problems occur when persons who acauire goods with imperfect titles attempt to sell them. Sections 2-402 and 2-403 of the UCC deal with the rights of two parties who lay claim to the same goods sold with imperfect titles. Generally, a buyer acquires at least whatever title the seller had to the goods sold.

Void Title

A buyer may unknowingly purchase goods from a seller who is not the owner of the goods. If the seller is a thief, the seller's title is void -- legally, no title exists. Thus, the buyer acquires no title, and the real owner can reclaim the goods from the buyer. Fro example, if Jim steals goods owned by Mark, Jim has a void title to those goods. If Jim sells the goods to Sally, Mark can reclaim them from Sally, even though Sally acted in good faith and honestly was not aware that the goods were stolen.

Voidable Title

A seller has a voidable title if the goods that he is selling were obtained by fraud, paid for with a check that is later dishonored, purchased from a minor, or purchased on credit when the he was insolvent. (A person is insolvent when he ceases to pay "his debts in the ordinary course of business or cannot pay his debts as they ecome due or is insolvent within the meaning of federal bankruptcy law."
In contrast to a seller with void title, a seller with voidable title has the power to transfer a good title to a good faith purchaser for value. A good faith purchaser is one who buys without knowledge of circumstances that would make a person or ordinary prudence inquire about the validity of the seller's title to the goods. One who purchases for valuegives legally sufficient consideration (value) for the goods purchased. The real owner normally cannot recover goods from a good faith purchaser for value. If the buyer of the goods is not a good faith purchaser for value, then the actual owner of the goods can reclaim them from the buyer (or from the seller if the goods are still in the seller's possession).
The Entrustment Rule
According to UCC 2-403(2), when goods are entrusted to a merchant who deals in goods of that kind, and the merchant sells the goods to a buyer in the ordinary course of business, that buyer obtains good title to the goods. This is known as the entrustment rule. Entrustment includes both delivering the goods to the merchant and leaving the purchased goods with the merchant for later delivery or pickup. A buyer in the ordinary course of business is a person who, in good faith and without knowledge that the sale violates the ownership rights or security interest of a third party, buys in ordinary course from a person (other than a pawnbroker) in the business of selling goods of that kind.
For exmple, Jan leaves her watch with a jeweler to be repaired. The jeweler sells both new and used watches. The jeweler sells Jan's watch to Kim a customer, who does not know that the jeweler has no right to sell it. Kim, as a good faith buyer, gets good title against Jan's claim of ownership. Kim, however, obtains only those rights held by the person entrusting the goods. Suppose that Jan had stolen the watch from Greg and then left it with the jeweler to be repaired. The jeweler then sold it to Kim. Kim would have obtained good title against Jan, who entrusted the watch to the jeweler, but not against Greg (the real owner), who neither entrusted the watch to Jan nor authorized Jan to entrust it.

Risk of Loss

Under the UCC, risk of loss does not necessarily pass with title. When risk of loss passes from a seller to a buyer is generally determined by the contract between the parties. Sometimes the contract says expressly when the risk of loss passes. At other times it does not, and a court must interpret the existing terms to determine whether the risk has passed. When no provisiosn in the contract indicates when risk passes, the UCc provides special rules, based on delivery terms, to guide the courts.

Delivery with Movement of the Goods -- Carrier Cases

When there is no specification in the agreement, the following rules apply to cases involving movement of the goods (carrier cases).
Shipment Contracts
In a shipment contract, if the seller is required or authorized to ship goods by carrier (but not to a specific destination), risk of loss passes to the buyer when the goods are duly delivered to the carrier. For example, a seller in Texas sells 500 cases of grapefruit to a byer in New York, "F.O.B. Houston" (that is, the buyer pays the transportation charges from Houston). The contract authorizes a shpment by carrier; it does not require that the seller tender the grapefruit in New York. Risk passes to the buyer when conforming goods are properly placed in the possession of the carrier. If the goods are damaged in transit, the loss is on the buyer. (Buyers have some recourse against the carrier and can always insure the shipment.)

Destination Contracts
In a destination contract, the risk of loss passes to the buyer when the goods are tendered to the buyer at the specified desintation. In the preceding example, if the contract had been "F.O.B. New York," risk of loss during transit to New York would have been the seller's and would not pass to the buyer until the carrier tendered the goods to the buyer in New York.

F.O.B.Indicates that the seller price of goods includes transportation costs (and that the seller carries risk of loss) to the specific F.O.B. place named in the contract. The place can be either the place of initial shipment (e.g., the seller's city or place of business) or the place of destination (e.g., the buyer's city or place of business). The former is a shipment contract; the latter is a destination contract.
F.A.S.Requires that the seller, at his own expense and risk, deliver the goods alongside the carrier ship before risk passes to the buyer. This would be a shipment contract.
(Cost, insurance, & freight, or just cost and freight). Requires, among other things, that the seller "put the goods in possession of a carrier" before risk passes to the buyer. These are basically pricing terms, and the contracts remain shipment contracts, not destination contracts.
(delivery from the carrying vessel). Means that risk of loss does not pass to the buyer until the goods leave the ship or are otherwise properly unloaded.

Delivery Without Movement of the Goods

The UCC also addresses situations in which the seller is required neither to ship nor to deliver the goods. Frequently, the buyer is to pick up the goods from the seller, or the goods are to be held by a bailee. A bailment is a temporary delivery of personal property, without passage of title, into the care of another, called a bailee. Under the UCC a bailee is a party who, by a bill of lading, warehouse receipt, or other document of title, acknowledges possession of goods and contracts to deliver them. A warehousing company, for example, or a trucking company that normally issues documents of title for the goods it receives is a bailee.

Goods Held by the Seller

If the goods are held by the seller, a document of title is usually not used. If the seller is a merchant, risk of loss to goods held by the seller passes to the buyer when the buyer actually takes physical possession of the goods. If the seller is not a merchant, the risk of loss to goods held by the seller passes to the buyer on tender of delivery.

Goods Held by a Bailee

When a bailee is holding goods for a person who has contracted to sell them and the goods are to be delivered without being moved, the goods are usually represented by a negotiable or nonnegotiable document of title (a bill of lading or a warehouse receipt). Risk of loss passes to the buyer when (1) the buyer receives a negotiable document of title for the goods, or (2) the bailee acknowledges the buyer's right to possess the goods, or (3) the buyer receives a non-negotiable document of title and has had a reasonable time to present the document to the bailee and demand the goods. Obviously, if the bailee refuses to honor the document, the risk of loss remains with the seller.

Conditional Sales

Buyers and sellers sometimes form sales contracts that are conditioned either on the buyer's approval of the goods or on the buyer's resale of the goods. Under such contracts, the buyer is in possession of the goods. Sometimes, however, problems arise as to whether the buyer or seller should bear the loss if, for example, the goods are damaged or stolen while in the possession of the buyer.

Sale or Return

sale or return is a type of contract by which the buyer purchases the goods but has a conditional right to return the goods within a specified time period. When the buyer receives possession at the time of sale, the title and risk of loss pass to the byer. Title and risk of loss remain with the buyer until the buyer returns the goods to the seller within the time period. If the buyer fails to return the goods within this time period, the sale is finalized. The return of the goods is made at the buyer's risk and expense. Goods held under a sale-or-return contract are subject to the claims of the buyer's creditors while they are in the buyer's possession.
The UCC treats a consignment as a sale or return. Under a consignment, the owner of the goods (the consignor) delivers them to another (the consignee) for the consignee to sell or to keep. If the consignee sells the goods, the consignee must pay the consignor for them. If the consignee does not sell or keep the goods, they may simply be returned to the consignor. While the goods are in the possession of the consignee, the consignee holds title to them, and creditors of the consignee will prevail over the consignor in any action to repossess the goods.

Sale on Approval

Usually, when a seller offers to sell goods to a buyer and permits the buyer to take the goods on a trial basis, a sale on approval is made. The term "sale" here is a misnomer, as only an offer to sell has been made, along with a bailment created by the buyer's possession.
Title and risk of loss (from cuases beyond the buyer's control) remain with the seller until the buyer accepts (approves) the offer. Acceptance can be made expressly, by any act inconsistent with the trial purpose or the seller's ownership, or by the buyer's election not to return the goods within the trial period. If the buyer does not wish to accept, the buyer may notify the seller of that fact within the trial period, and the return is made at the seller's expense and risk. Goos held on approval are not subject to the claims of the buyer's creditors until exceptance.
It is often difficult to determine which exists: a "sale on approval" or a "sale or return." The UCC says "if the goods are delivered primarily for resale," the transaction is a "sale or return."

Risk of Loss when a Sales Contract is Breached

There are many ways to breach a sales contract, and the transfer of risk operates differently depending on which party breaches. Generally, the party in breach bears the risk of loss

When the Seller Breaches

If the goods are so nonconforming that the buyer has the right to reject them, the risk of loss does not pass to the buyer until the defects are cured (that is, until the goods are repaired, replaced, or discounted in price by the seller) or until the buyer accepts the goods in spite of their defects (thus waiving the right to reject). For example, a buyer orders blue widges from a seller, F.O.B. seller's plant. The seller shps black widgets isntead. The black widgets (nonconforming goods) are damaged in transit. The risk of loss falls on the seller. Had the seller shipped blue widgets (conforming goods) instead, the risk would have fallen on the buyer.
If a buyer accepts a shipment of goods and later discovers a defect, acceptance can be revoked. REvocation allows the buyer to pass the risk of loss back to the seller, at least to th extent that the buyer's insurance does not cover the loss.

When the Buyer Breaches

The general rule is that when a buyer breaches a contract, the risk of loss immediately shifts to the buyer. There are three important limitations to this rule:
(1) The seller must already have identified the the contract goods;
(2) The buyer bears the risk for only a commercially reasonable time after the seller has learned of the breach.
(3) The buyer is liable only to the extent of any deficiency in the seller's insurance coverage.

Insurable Interest

Parties to sales contracts often obtain insurance coverage to protect against damage, loss, or destruction of goods. Any party purchasing insurance, however, must have a sufficient interest in the insured item to obtain a valid policy. Insurance laws -- not the UCC -- determine sufficiency. The UCC is helpful, however, because it contains certain rules regarding insurable interests in goods.

Insurable Interest of the Buyer

A buyer has an insurable interest in identified goods The moment the contract goods are identified by the seller, the buyer has a special property interest that allows him to obtain necessary insurance coverage for those goods even before the risk of loss has passed.
For example, in March a farmer sells a cotton crop he hopes to harvest in october. The buyer acquires an insurable interest in the crop when it is planted, because those goods (the cotton crop) are identified to the sales contract between the seller and the buyer.

Insurable Interest of the Seller

A seller has an insurable interest in goods as long as he retains title to the goods Even after title passes to a buyer, however, a seller who has a security interest in the goods still has an insurable interest and can insure the goods. Hence, both a buyer and a seller can have an insurable interest in identical goods at the same time. Of course, the buyer or seller must sustain an actual loss to have the right to recover from an insurance company.

Performance of Sales Contracts

To understand the obligations of the parties under a sales contract, it is necessary to know the duties and obligations each party has assumed under the terms of the contract. "Duties and obligations" include those specified by the contract, by custom, and by the UCC.
In the performance of a sales contract, the basic obligation of the seller is to transfer and deliver conforming goods. The basic obligation of the buyer is to accept and pay for conforming goods in accordance with the contract. Overall performance of a sale or lease contract is controlled by the agreement between the parties. When the contract is unclear and disputes arise, the courts look to the UCC.

The Good Faith Requirement

The obligations of good faith and commercial reasonableness underlie every sales contract. These obligations can form the basis for a breach of contract suit later on. The UCC's god faith provision, which can never be disclaimed, says: "Every contract or duty within this Act imposes an obligation of good faith in its performance or enforcement." Good faith means honesty in fact. In the case of a merchant, it means honest in fact and the observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing in the trade. In other words, merchants are held to a higher standard of performance or duty than nonmerchants are.
Good faith can mean that one party must not take advantage of another party by manipulating contract terms. Good faith applies to both parties, even the nonbreaching party. The principle of good faith applies through both the performance and the enforcement of all agreements or duties within a contract. Good faith is a question of fact for the jury.

Obligations of the Seller

The major obligation of the seller under a sales contract is to tender conforming goods to the buyer. Tender of delivery requires that the seller have and hold conforming goods at the disposal of the buyer and give the buyer whatever notification is reasonably necessary to enable the buyer to take delivery. Conforming goods are goods that conform exactly to the description of the goods in the contract.
Tender must occur at a reasonable hour and in a reasonable manner. Unless the parties have agreed otherwise, the goods must be tendered for delivery at a reasonable hour and kept available for a reasonable period of time to enable the buyer to take possession of them. All goods called for by a contract must be tendered in a single delivery unless the parties agree otherwise, or the circumstances are such that either party can rightfully request delivery in lots.

Place of Delivery

The UCC provides for the place of delivery pursuant to a contract if the contract does not Of course, the parties may agree on a particular destination, or their contract's terms or the circumstances may indicate the place.

Noncarrier Cases

If the contract does not designate the place of delivery for the goods, and the buyer is expected to pick them up, the place of delivery is the seller's place of business or, if the seller has none, the seller's residence. if the contract involves the sale of identified goods, and the parties know when they enter into the contract that these goods are located somewhere other than at the seller's place of business, then the location of the goods is the place for their delivery.

Carrier Cases

In many instances, attendant circumstances or delivery terms in the contract make it apparent that the parties intend that a carrier be used to move the goods. There are two ways a seller can complete performance of the obligation to deliver goods in carrier cases -- through a shipment contract and through a destination contract.
Shipment Contracts: Unless otherwise agreed, the seller must do the following:
(1) Put the goods into the hands of the carrier.
(2) Make a contract for their transportation that is reasonable according to the nature of the goods and their value.
<3> Obtain and promptly deliver or tender too the buyer any documents necessary to enable the buyer to obtain possession of the goods from the carrier.
(4) Promptly notify the buyer that shipment has been made.

If the seller fails to notify the buyer that shipment has been made or fails to make a proper contract for transportation, and a material loss of the goods or a significant delay results, the buyer can reject the shipment. Of course, the parties can agree that a lesser amount of loss or any delay will be grounds for rejection.
Destination Contracts: In a destination contract, the seller agrees to see that conforming goods will be duly tendered to the buyer at a particular destination. The goods must be tendered at a reasonable hour and held at the buyer's disposal for a reasonable length of time. The seller must also give the buyer appropriate notice. In addition, the seller must provide the buyer with any documents of title necessary to enable the buyer to obtain delivery from the carrier. Sellers often do this by tendering the documents through ordinary banking channels.

The Perfect Tender Rule

The seller has an obligation to ship or tender conforming goods, and this entitles the buyer to accept and pay for the goods according to the terms of the contract. Uner the common law, the seller was obligated to deliver goods in conformity with the terms of the contract in every detail. This was called the perfect tender rule. The UCC preserves the perfect tender rule by saying that if goods or tender of delivery fail in any respect to conform to the contract, the buyer has the right to accept the goods, reject the entire shipment, or accept part and reject part.

Exceptions to the Perfect Tender Rule

Because of the rigidity of the perfect tender rule,several exceptions to the rule have been created. They are: (1) Agreement of the parties; (2)Right to cure; (3) Substitution of Carriers; (4) Installment contracts; (5) Commercial Impracticability; (6) Destruction of Identified Goods. I've decided they are not worth inflicting on you. Its not that they aren't important, but they would require an entire day by themselves and its not likely that you will need this kind of intimate knowledge of the UCC unless to work in a high specialized commercial practice.

Obligations of the Buyer

Once the seller has adequately tendered delivery, the buyer is obligated to accept the goods and pay for them according to the terms of the contract.


In the absence of any specific agreements, the buyer must make payment at the time and place he receives the goods. When a sale is made on credit, the buyer is obliged to pay according to the specified credit terms, not when the goods are received. The credit period usually begins on the date of shipment. Payment can be made by any means agreed on between the partys -- cash or any other method generally acceptable in the commercial world. If the seller demands cash when the buyer offers a check, credit card, or the like, the seller must permit the buyer reasonable time to obtain cash.

Right of inspection

Unless otherwise agreed, or for C.O.D. transactions, the buyer has an absolute right to inspect the goods. This right allows the byer to verify, before making payment, that the goods tendered or delivered are what were contracted for or ordered. If the goods are not what the buyer ordered, the buyer has no duty to pay. An opportunity for inspection is therefore a condition precedent to the right of the seller to enforce payment.
nless otherwise agreed, inspection can take place at any reasonable place and time and in any reasonable manner Generally, what is reasonable is determined by custome of the trade, past practices of the parties, and the like. Costs of inspecting conforming goods are borne by the buyer unless otherwise agreed.


A buyer can manifest assent to the delivered goods in the follwoing ways, each of which constitutes acceptance:
1. Three is an acceptance if the buyer, after having had a reasonable opportunity to inspect the goods, signifies agreement to the seller that the goods are either conforming or are acceptable despite their nonconformity.
2. Acceptance is presumed if the buyer has had a reasonable opportunity to inspect the goods and has failed to reject them within a reasonable period of time.
3. In sales contracts, the buyer will be deemed to have accepted the goods if he performs any act inconsistent with the seller's ownership, e.g., use or resale of the goods.

Anticipatory Repudiation

What if, before the time for contract performance, one party clearly communicates to the other the intention not to perform? Such an action is a breach of the contract byanticipatory repudiation. When anticipatory repudiation occurs, the nonbreaching party has a choice of two responses. he can treat the repudation as a final breach by pursuing a remedy; or he can wait, hoping that the repudiating party will decide to honor the obligations required by the contract despite the avowed intention to renege. In either situation, the nonbreaching party may suspend performance.
If the latter course is pursued, the UCC permits the breaching party (subject to some limitations) to "retract" his repudiation. This can be done by any method that clearly indicates an intent to perform. Once retraction is made, the rights of the repudiating party under the contract are reinstated.

Source: Clarkson, Miller, Jentz, & Cross, West's Business Law, 7th Edition (1998).

voidable title definition

648 documentos para voidable title definition

2013년 4월 2일 화요일

Partnership accounting

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When two or more individuals engage in an enterprise as co-owners, the organization is known as a partnership. This form of organization is popular among personal service enterprises, as well as in the legal and public accounting professions. The important features of and accounting procedures for partnerships are discussed and illustrated below.



[edit]Accounting for Initial Investments

Because ownership rights in a partnership are divided among two or more partners, separate capital and drawing accounts are maintained for each partner.
Investment of cash
If a partner invested cash in a partnership, the Cash account of the partnership is debited, and the partner's capital account is credited for the invested amount.
Investment of assets other than cash
If a partner invested an asset other than cash, an asset account is debited, and the partner's capital account is credited for the market value of the asset. If a certain amount of money is owed for the asset, the partnership may assume liability. In that case an asset account is debited, and the partner's capital account is credited for the difference between the market value of the asset invested and liabilities assumed.

[edit]Capital Interest

A capital interest is an interest that would give the holder a share of the proceeds in either of the following situations:
  • The owner withdraws from the partnership.
  • The partnership liquidates.
The mere right to share in earnings and profits is not a capital interest in the partnership. This determination generally is made at the time of receipt of the partnership interest.

[edit]Capital account

Capital account of each partner represents his equity in the partnership.
Capital account of a partner is increased in the following situations:
  • The owner made additional investments during the year.
  • The owner received guaranteed payments from the partnership.
  • Partnership earned profits, and a share of profits was allocated to the partner.
  • The increase in the capital will record in credit side of the capital account.
Salary and interest allowances are guaranteed payments, discussed later.
Capital account of a partner is decreased when the owner makes withdrawals of cash or property

[edit]Compensation for Services and Capital

The partnership agreement may specify that partners should be compensated for services they provide to the partnership and for capital invested by partners.
For example, one partner contributed more of the assets, and works full time in the partnership, while the other partner contributed a smaller amount of assets and does not provide as much services to the partnership.
Compensation for services is provided in the form of salary allowance. Compensation for capital is provided in the form of interest allowance. Amount of compensation is added to the capital account of the partner.
To illustrate, assume that a partner received $500 as an interest allowance. The amount is included in the net income/loss distribution entry when the books are closed to the capital accounts at year end:
Partner A, Capital$500
Income Summary$500
As a result, the above entry Income Summary, which is a temporary equity closing account used for year-end, is reduced by $500, and the capital account is increased by the same amount.
When the partner makes a cash withdrawal of moneys he received as an allowance, it is treated as a withdrawal, or drawing.
Partner A, Drawing$500
As a result, Drawing account increased by $500, and the Cash account of the partnership is reduced by the same account.
At the end of the accounting period the drawing account is closed to the capital account of the partner. The capital account will be reduced by the amount of drawing made by the partner during the accounting period.

[edit]Guaranteed Payments

Guaranteed payments are those made by a partnership to a partner that are determined without regard to the partnership's income. Compensation for services and capital are guaranteed payments.
A partnership treats guaranteed payments for services, or for the use of capital, as if they were made to a person who is not a partner. This treatment is for purposes of determining gross income and deductible business expenses only.
For other tax purposes, guaranteed payments are treated as a partner's distributive share of ordinary income. Guaranteed payments are not subject to income tax withholding.
The partnership generally deducts guaranteed payments on line 10 of Form 1065 as business expenses. They are also listed on Schedules K and K-1 of the partnership return.
The individual partner reports guaranteed payments on Schedule E (Form 1040) as ordinary income, along with his distributive share of the partnership's other ordinary income.

[edit]Allocation of Net Income

Revenues - Expenses = Net income
If total revenues exceed total expenses of the period, the excess is the net income of the partnership for the period. If expenses exceed revenues of the period, the excess is a net loss of the partnership for the period.
Management fees, Salary and interest allowances are guaranteed payments. The partnership generally deducts guaranteed payments on line 10 of Form 1065 as business expenses.
If partners pay themselves high salaries, net income will be low, but it does not matter for tax purposes. Partner compensation and allocated net income are considered ordinary income for tax purposes and as such are reported on the form 1040. It does not matter whether or not a partner withdrew any amount of money from his capital account. It's the net income, allocated to the partner, and his compensation from the partnership that are taxed, not the amount withdrawn.
Net income or loss is allocated to the partners in accordance with the partnership agreement. In the absence of any agreement between partners, profits and losses must be shared equally regardless of the ratio of the partners' investments. If the partnership agreement specifies how profitsare to be shared, losses must be shared on the same basis as profits. Net income does not includes gains or losses from the partnership investment.

[edit]Closing Process

DRTFGGG Closing process at the end of the accounting period includes closing of all temporary accounts by making the following entries.
  • Close all revenues accounts to Income Summary.
  • Close all expenses accounts to Income Summary.
  • Close Income Summary by allocating each partner's share of net income or loss to the individual capital account.
  • Close each partner's drawing account to the individual capital accounts.
To illustrate, assume that there are two equal partners, Partner A and Partner B. The partnership agreement specifies that after providing for salary and interest allowances the remaining income is divided equally. Assume also that net income of the partnership was $100,000 and the two partners received allowances as indicated in the table below.
The allocation of net income would be reported on the income statement as shown.
Net Income $100,000
Partner APartner BTotal
Allocation of net income60,00040,000100,000
Salary allowances30,00020,00050,000
Interest allowances20,00010,00030,000
Remaining income10,00010,00020,000
Net Income of the partnership is calculated by subtracting total expenses from total revenues. After that salary and interest allowances are subtracted from Net Income, and the result is Remaining Income, which is divided equally in accordance with the partnership agreement.
At the end of the accounting period each partner's allocated share is closed to his capital account. Based on the net income allocation shown above, the closing entry is:
Income Summary$100,000
Partner A, Capital$60,000
Partner B, Capital$40,000

[edit]Statements for Partnerships

The allocation of net income and its impact on the partners' capital balances must be disclosed in the financial statements. All three financial statements are affected: the income statement, statement of owners (partners') equity, and balance sheet. In addition, the statement of partners' equity reflects the equity of each partner and summarizes the allocation of net income for the year.
Statement of Partners' Equity
Statement of partners' equity starts with capital balances at the beginning of the accounting period, and reflects additional investments, made by the partners during the year, net income for the period, and withdrawals.
Additional investments and allocated net income increase capital accounts of the partners. All kind of allowances, like salary allowances and capital allowances, are treated as withdrawals. Withdrawals reduce capital accounts. The end result is capital balances of the partners at the end of the accounting period.
A sample statement of partners' equity is shown below.
Partner APartner BTotal
Capital, Jan. 1, 2008$40,000$30,000$70,000
Additional Investments$10,000$20,000$30,000
Capital plus investments$50,000$50,000$100,000
Net Income for the year$60,000$40,000$100,000
Capital, Dec. 31, 2008$80,000$70,000$150,000
Equity section of the balance sheet
The partners' equity section of the balance sheet reports the equity of each partner, as illustrated below.
Partner A, Capital$80,000
Partner B, Capital$70,000
Total partners' equity$150,000

[edit]Admitting a new partner

A new partner may be admitted by agreement among the existing partners. When this happens, the old partnership is dissolved and a new partnership is created, with a new partnership agreement.
A new partner may buy into the business in three ways:
  • by purchasing an interest directly from existing partners
  • by making an investment in the business, or
  • by contributing assets from an existing business.
Assume that Partner A and Partner B admit Partner C as a new partner, when Partner A and Partner B have capital interests $30,000 and $20,000, respectively.
Partner C pays, say, $15,000 to Partner A for one-third of his interest, and $15,000 to Partner B for one-half of his interest. These payments go to the partners directly, not to the business. The following entry is made by the partnership.
Partner A, Capital10,000
Partner B, Capital10,000
Partner C, Capital20,000
The extra $5,000 Partner C paid to each of the partners, represents profit to them, but it has no effect on the partnership's financial statements.
Now, assume instead that Partner C invested $30,000 cash in the new partnership. In this case, the following entry would be made to admit Partner C.
Partner C, Capital30,000
Finally, let's assume that Partner C had been operating his own business, which was then taken over by the new partnership. In this case the balance sheet for the new partner's business would serve as a basis for preparing the opening entry. The assets listed in the balance sheet are taken over, the liabilities are assumed, and the new partner's capital account is credited for the difference.

[edit]Allocation of ownership interest

Equal partners.
Example 1. Assume that a sole proprietor agreed to admit a single equal partner for a certain amount of money. The sole proprietor, Partner A, will give the new partner, Partner B, an equal share in the partnership. 100% interest of the sole proprietor will be divided in half, so that each of the two partners will have 50% interest in the partnership. In effect, Partner A sold 50% of his equity to Partner B.
Example 2. Assume that Partner A and Partner B have 50% interest each, and they agreed to admit Partner C and give him an equal share of ownership. Each of the three partners will have 33.3% interest in the partnership. Interests of Partner A and Partner B will be reduced from 50% each to 33.3% each. In effect, each of the two partners sold 16.7% of his equity to Partner C.
Example 3. Assume there are three equal partners, who have 33.3% interest each, and they agreed to admit a fourth equal partner. Each of the four partners will have 25% interest in the partnership. Interests of the three partners will be reduced from 33.3% each to 25% each. In effect, each of the three partners sold 8.3% of his equity to the new partner.
In either case, all partners must agree to the specific way to realign their partnership interests as a result of admitting a new partner.
Unequal partners.
Example 1. Assume there are two unequal partners in the partnership. Partner A owns 60% equity, Partner B owns 40% equity, and they agreed to admit a third partner. Partner C has several options to join the partnership.
  • He can buy equity from Partner A.
  • He can buy equity from Partner B.
  • He can buy equity from Partner A and Partner B.
Partner A and Partner B may both agree to sell 50% of their equity to Partner C. In that case, Partner A will have 30% interest, Partner B will have 20%, and Partner C will own (30% + 20%) 50% interest in the partnership.
Partner A and Partner B may both agree to sell 25% of their equity to Partner C. In that case, Partner 3 will own (15% + 10%) 25% interest in the partnership.
Partner A may decide to sell 25% of his equity to partner C. Partner B may decide to sell 50% of his equity to partner C. Partner C will own (15% + 20%) 35% of the partnership equity.
Example 2. Assume now that there are three partners. Partner A owns 50% interest, Partner B owns 30% interest, and Partner C owns 20% interest. Collectively, they own 100% interest in the partnership.
They agreed to admit a fourth partner, Partner D. As in the previous case, Partner D has a number of options. He can buy shares of interest from one of the partners, or from more than one partner.
Assume that the three partners agreed to sell 20% of interest in the partnership to the new partner. There are more than one way to realign partnership interests.
Equal percentage reduction. The three partners may agree to reduce their equity by equal percentage. In order to sell 20% equity to new partner, each of the partners has to sell (20% : 3) 6.7% of his equity to the new partner.
Equal proportion reduction. The three partners may chose equal proportion reduction instead of equal percentage reduction.
Had there been only one partner, who owned 100% interest, selling 20% interest would reduce ownership interest of the original owner by 20%. The same approach can be used to buy equity from each of the partners.
Each of the existing partners may agree to sell 20% of his equity to the new partner. The result for the new partner will be the same as if a single owner sold him 20% interest.
This table illustrates realignment of ownership interests before and after admitting the new partner.
Partner A50%(50% * 80%) 40%
Partner B30%(30% * 80%) 24%
Partner C20%(20% * 80%) 16%
Partner D0%20%
To summarize, there does not exist any standard way to admit a new partner. A new partner can be admitted only by agreement among the existing partners. When this happens, the old partnership is dissolved and a new partnership is created, with a new partnership agreement.

[edit]Partnership bonus

Bonus paid to the partnership .
A new partner may pay a bonus in order to join the partnership. Bonus is the difference between the amount contributed to the partnership and equity received in return.
Assume that Partner A and Partner B have balances $10,000 each on their capital accounts. The partners agree to admit Partner C to the partnership for $16,000. In return, Partner C will receive one-third equity in the partnership. The following table illustrates calculation of the bonus.
Equity of Partner A$10,000
Equity of Partner B$10,000
Contribution of Partner C$16,000
Total equity after admitting Partner C$36,000
Equity percentage of Partner C33.3%
Equity of Partner C$12,000
Contribution of Partner C$16,000
Minus equity of Partner C$12,000
Bonus paid to "A & B Partnership"$4,000
In this case, Partner C paid $4,000 bonus to join the partnership. The amount of any bonus paid to the partnership is distributed among the partners. The following table illustrates the distribution of the bonus.
Partner C, Capital$12,000
Partner A, Capital$2,000
Partner B, Capital$2,000
Bonus paid to a partner.
Assume now that Partner A and Partner B have balances $10,000 each on their capital accounts. The partners agree to admit Partner C to the partnership for $7,000. In return, Partner C will receive one-third equity in the partnership.
Why would the existing partners allow a new partner to buy an equal share of equity with smaller contribution? It might be because the new partner brings something very valuable to the partnership. It might be special skills.
The following table illustrates calculation of the bonus.
Equity of Partner A$10,000
Equity of Partner B$10,000
Contribution of Partner C$7,000
Total equity after admitting Partner C$27,000
Equity percentage of Partner C33.3%
Equity of Partner C$9,000
Contribution of Partner C$7,000
Minus equity of Partner C$9,000
Bonus paid to Partner C$2,000
In this case, Partner C received $2,000 bonus to join the partnership. The amount of the bonus paid by the partnership is distributed among the partners according to the partnership agreement.
The following table illustrates the distribution of the bonus. Debit to Cash increases the account, while debit to a capital account of a partner decreases the account.
Partner C, Capital$9,000
Partner A, Capital$1,000
Partner B, Capital$1,000
In an equal partnership bonus paid to a new partner is distributed equally among the partners. In an unequal partnership bonus is distributed according to the partnership agreement.
Assume that Partner A is a 75% partner, and Partner B is a 25% partner. Partner C was admitted to the partnership. He paid $5,000 cash. In return, he received $9,000 equity in the partnership. A $4,000 ($9,000 - $5,000) bonus paid to Partner C would be distributed as follows:
Partner A will pay ($4,000 * 75%) $3,000. His capital account will be debited $3,000.
Partner B will pay ($4,000 * 25%) $1,000. His capital account will be debited $1,000.
Partner C, Capital$9,000
Partner A, Capital$3,000 ($4,000 * 75%)
Partner B, Capital$1,000 ($4,000 * 25%)

[edit]Withdrawal of Partner

By agreement, a partner may retire and be permitted to withdraw assets equal to, less than, or greater than the amount of his interest in the partnership. The book value of a partner's interest is shown by the credit balance of the partner's capital account.
The balance is computed after all profits or losses have been allocated in accordance with the partnership agreement, and the books closed.
If a retiring partner withdraws cash or other assets equal to the credit balance of his capital account, the transaction will have no effect on the capital of the remaining partners.
To illustrate, assume that several years after the formation of "A,B, & C" partnership Partner C decided to retire. The partners agreed to the withdrawal of cash equal to the amount of Partner C's equity in the assets of the partnership. Assume that the partners' capital accounts had credit balances as follows:
  • Partner A $60,000
  • Partner B $40,000
  • Partner C $30,000
If Partner C withdraws $30,000 in cash, the entry on the books is as follows:
Partner C, Capital30,000
If a retiring partner agrees to withdraw less than the amount in his capital account, the transaction will increase the capital accounts of the remaining partners.
For example, if Partner C withdraws only $20,000 in settlement of the interest, the difference between Partner C's equity in the assets of the partnership and the amount of cash withdrawn is $10,000 ($30,000 - $20,000).
This difference is divided between the remaining partners on the basis stated in the partnership agreement.
Assume that the partnership agreement specifies that in such a case the difference is divided according to the ratio of their capital interests after allocating net income and closing their drawing accounts. On this basis, Partner A's capital account is credited for $6,000 and Partner B's is credited for $4,000.
The entry in the books of the partnership is as follows:
Partner C, Capital30,000
Partner A, Capital6,000
Partner B, Capital4,000
If a retiring partner withdraws more than the amount in his capital account, the transaction will decrease the capital accounts of the remaining partners. The excess of the amount withdrawn over retiring partner's equity in the partnership is divided between the remaining partners on the basis stated in the partnership agreement.

[edit]Purchasing of Partner's Interest

When a partner retires from the business, the partner's interest may be purchased directly by one or more of the remaining partners or by an outside party. If the retiring partner's interest is sold to one of the remaining partners, the retiring partner's equity is merely transferred to the other partner.
For example, assume that Partner C's equity is sold to Partner B. The entry for the transaction on the books of the partnership is as follows:
Partner C, Capital30,000
Partner B, Capital30,000
The amount paid to Partner C by Partner B is a personal transaction and has no effect on the above entry. Any gain or loss resulting from the transaction is a personal gain or loss of the withdrawing partner and not of the business.
If the retiring partner's interest is purchased by an outside party, the retiring partner's equity is transferred to the capital account of the new partner, Partner D.
Partner C, Capital30,000
Partner D, Capital30,000
The amount paid to Partner C by Partner D is also a personal transaction and has no effect on the above entry.

[edit]Death of a Partner

The death of a partner dissolves the partnership. On the date of death, the accounts are closed and the net income for the year to date is allocated to the partners' capital accounts. Most agreements call for an audit and revaluation of the assets at this time. The balance of the deceased partner's capital account is then transferred to a liability account with the deceased's estate.
The surviving partners may continue the business or liquidate. If the business continues, the procedures for settling with the estate are the same as those described earlier for the withdrawal of a partner.

[edit]Liquidation of a Partnership

Liquidation of a partnership generally means that the assets are sold, liabilities are paid, and the remaining cash or other assets are distributed to the partners.
When normal operations are discontinued, adjusting and closing entries are made. Thus, only the assets, liabilities and partners' equity accounts remain open.
If noncash assets are sold for more than their book value, a gain on the sale is recognized. The gain is allocated to the partners' capital accounts according to the partnership agreement.
If noncash assets are sold for less than their book value, a loss on the sale is recognized. The loss is allocated to the partners' capital accounts according to the partnership agreement.
As the assets are sold, the cash is applied first to the claims of creditors. Once all liabilities are paid, the remaining cash and other assets are distributed to the partners according to their ownership interests as indicated by their capital accounts.

[edit]Schedule M-1

Purpose of Schedule M-1
U.S. Return of Partnership Income (IRS Form 1065) [1] contains, among others, Schedule M-1.
The purpose of Schedule M-1 is reconciliation of income (loss) per accounting books with income (loss) per Return of the partnership. In other words, it means reconciliation of accounting income with taxable income, because not all accounting income is taxable.
Schedule M-1 starts with Net income (loss) per books. Adjustments are made for guaranteed payments, as well as for depreciation and other expenses. As a result, accounting income of a partnership is adjusted, or reconciled, to taxable income.

[edit]Schedule K-1

Purpose of Schedule K-1
The partnership uses Schedule K-1 to report a partner's share of the partnership’s income, deductions, credits, etc. The partner must only keep Schedule K-1 for his records, but not file it with his tax return. The partnership must file a copy of Schedule K-1 for each partner with the IRS.
Although the partnership generally is not subject to income tax, every partner is liable for tax on his share of the partnership income, whether or not distributed.


Justicejee, J.A., & Parry, R.W. (2001) College Accounting 16/E, chapter 20
IRS Publication 541, Partnerships http://www.irs.gov/publications/p541/ar02.html#d0e1119

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