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서울 서초구 반포대로 14길 30, 센추리 412호. TEL: 010-6350-1799 이메일:jawala.lee@gmail.com. Attorney at Law, Tax, Patent. Lee,Jae Wook is a member of the Korean Bar Association and Illinois Bar Association. Licensed to practice in KOREA and U.S.A., Illinois. Attorney Lee has worked since 1997.3. as a prominent Attorney in the legal service field including tax, law, patent, immigration, transaction across the border. You can find more at http://taxnlaw.co.kr

2013년 3월 28일 목요일






Old French establissement, (Modern French établissement) from the verb establir.


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establishment (plural establishments)
  1. The act of establishing; a ratifying or ordainingsettlementconfirmation.
    Since their establishment of the company in 1984, they have grown into a global business.
  2. The state of being established, founded, etc.; fixed state.
    The firm celebrated twenty years since their establishment by updating their look.
  3. That which is established; as a form of government, a permanent organizationbusiness or force, or the place where one is permanently fixed for residence.
    Pedro's is a fine establishment serving a variety of delicious food.
    Exposing the shabby parts of the establishment.
  4. (slang) The establishment: the ruling class or authority group in a society; especially, an entrenched authority dedicated to preserving the status quo. Sometimes capitalized: the Establishment.
    It's often necessary to question the establishment to get things done.

[edit]Derived terms


The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Help:How to check translations.



  1. (informal) establishment (ruling class)



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