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2013년 4월 30일 화요일

rev·el  (rvl)
intr.v. rev·eled also rev·elledrev·el·ing also rev·el·lingrev·els also rev·els
1. To take great pleasure or delight: She reveled in her unaccustomed leisure.
2. To engage in uproarious festivities; make merry.
A boisterous festivity or celebration; merrymaking. Often used in the plural.

[Middle English revelento carouse, from Old French revelerto rebel, carouse, from Latin rebellreto rebel; see rebel.]

revel·errevel·ler n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

revel [ˈrɛvəl]
vb -els-elling-elled US-els -eling-eled (intr)
1. (foll by in) to take pleasure or wallow to revel in success
2. to take part in noisy festivities; make merry
1. (often plural) an occasion of noisy merrymaking
2. a less common word for revelry
[from Old French reveler to be merry, noisy, from Latin rebellāre to revolt, rebel]
reveller  n
revelment  n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

rev•el (ˈrɛv əl) 

v. -eled, -el•ing (esp. Brit.-elled, -el•ling, v.i.
1. to take great pleasure or delight (usu. fol. by in): to revel in luxury.
2. to make merry; indulge in boisterous festivities.
3. boisterous merrymaking or festivity; revelry.
4. Often, revels. an occasion of merrymaking or noisy festivity.
[1275–1325; (v.) Middle English < Old French reveler to raise tumult, make merry < Latin rebellāre to rebel; (n.) Middle English < Old French, derivative of reveler]
rev′el•er; esp. Brit., rev′el•ler, n.
rev′el•ment, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Thesaurus Legend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun1.revel - unrestrained merrymakingrevel - unrestrained merrymaking            
jollificationmerrymakingconviviality - a boisterous celebration; a merry festivity
bingetearboutbust - an occasion for excessive eating or drinking; "they went on a bust that lasted three days"
booze-upcarousalcarousetootbender - revelry in drinking; a merry drinking party
debauchdebaucherydrunken revelrybacchanaliasaturnaliabacchanalorgyriot - a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
whoopee - noisy and boisterous revelry
Verb1.revel - take delight in; "he delights in his granddaughter"
have a ballhave a good time - enjoy oneself greatly; "We had a ball at the party and didn't come home until 2 AM"
wallow - delight greatly in; "wallow in your success!"
live it up - enjoy oneself; "it's your birthday, so let's live it up!"
2.revel - celebrate noisily, often indulging in drinkingrevel - celebrate noisily, often indulging in drinking; engage in uproarious festivities; "The members of the wedding party made merry all night"; "Let's whoop it up--the boss is gone!"
fetecelebrate - have a celebration; "They were feting the patriarch of the family"; "After the exam, the students were celebrating"
carouseroisterriot - engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking; "They were out carousing last night"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

celebraterave (Brit. slang)carouselive it up (informal), push the boat out (Brit. informal)whoop it up (informal)make merrypaint the town red (informal)large it (Brit. slang), go on a spree, roister I'm afraid I revelled the night away.
(often plural) merrymakingpartycelebrationrave (Brit. slang)galaspreefestivitybeano (Brit. slang)debauchsaturnaliabacchanalrave-up (Brit. slang)jollificationcarousalhooley or hoolie (chiefly Irish & N.Z.),carouse The revels often last until dawn.
revel in something enjoyrelish, indulge in, delight in, savourthrive on, bask in, wallow in, lap up, take pleasure in, drool over, luxuriate in, crow about, rejoice over, gloat about, rub your hands She revelled in her freedom.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
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revel (ˈrevl– past tense, past participle ˈrevelled , (Americanˈreveled – verb
(with in) to take great delight in something. He revels in danger.
(usually in plural) noisy, lively enjoyment. midnight revels.
ˈreveller noun
ˈrevelry – plural ˈrevelries – noun
(often in plural) noisy, lively enjoyment. midnight revelries.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

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