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서울 서초구 반포대로 14길 30, 센추리 412호. TEL: 010-6350-1799 이메일:jawala.lee@gmail.com. Attorney at Law, Tax, Patent. Lee,Jae Wook is a member of the Korean Bar Association and Illinois Bar Association. Licensed to practice in KOREA and U.S.A., Illinois. Attorney Lee has worked since 1997.3. as a prominent Attorney in the legal service field including tax, law, patent, immigration, transaction across the border. You can find more at http://taxnlaw.co.kr

2013년 7월 8일 월요일

criminal  litigation library

copyright  © 2001  Ray Moses


The great industrialist Henry Ford was asked the secret of his tremendous success. Ford's prophetic two word answer: "Getting ready!" His admonition applies to the modern criminal trial advocate. 
The secret to success as a persuader of people is getting "readier" than the opposition. 

The Center for Criminal Justice Advocacy (CCJA) was formed as a service to the prosecution and defense bar with the goal of raising the level of practice in the criminal courts of the land. CCJA is dedicated to inspiring excellence in criminal defense and prosecution through training and education. 

Every aspect of a successful criminal trial depends on the level of lawyering skills. This web site was created to assist new lawyers, be they prosecutors or defenders, who practice in the criminal courts. The thousands of hyperlinks on the web site are constantly being added to and improved to help you access the best outside sources. Our CCJA Library of how-to-do-it books exists to provide nascent prosecutors and defenders with the needed assistance to get "readier" than the opposition. Revenue generated from sale of publications funds the continued existence of the CCJA web sites. There is no effort to profit personally.

Each publication in the CCJA Criminal Pretrial and Trial Practice Series is chock full of techniques, ideas, and suggestions designed to make your courtroom presentation and  performance more persuasive. 
The content of each book goes well beyond the information on the web site pages. 
Our goal is to help you sharpen the tools of the craft.

The following publications are currently available or in the works. Books are sent on a prepaid (tax, postage, handling is included in the total). We are unable to accept credit cards. We try to process your order upon receipt of your check. Delays do occur. Your check will not be deposited for collection until the order is sent to you. Publications will be mailed to the address supplied, unless you provide other instructions. All orders are subject to final acceptance. Checks will be returned for orders that cannot be filled. Send orders to:  

The Center for Criminal Justice Advocacy  (CCJA)
P.O. Box 22642
Houston, Texas 77227-2642
(Make checks payable to "CCJA")

Email any questions 


Here is a list of our current publications together with the total price, including any applicable tax, handling, and postage. These books are designed for your desktop and your briefcase, not the bookshelf. 

DVD [$ 65] in pdf form containing +1300 pages of practice information. Please note that the contents of this web site typically do not duplicate the material on the DVD. For those who desire only the free information on the web site, a hyperlink is included at the  end of each section. The DVD includes each of the following:

  • Pretrial and Trial Motion Practice for Criminal Defense, 350 pp.  Motion and bench brief construction, writing and presentation, along with hundreds of sample criminal defense pretrial and trial motions; exploration and use of cutting-edge discovery tools. (Free material re Motion Practice on this web site)   
  • Direct Examination in Criminal Cases,  60 pp. The art of presenting  the case in clear and compelling fashion with properly couched questions and adequately prepared witnesses, together with a discussion on rehabilitation of your witness. (Free material re direct examination on this web site)  
  • Making and Meeting Objections in Texas Criminal Cases  plus Evaporated and Condensed Guide to Objections &  Preserving Error plus Texas Rules of Evidence, 200 pp. When and how to object; practical explanations and examples of evidentiary concepts in the form of an easy to use sourcebook of objections and responses; offers of proof.  (Free material re making and meeting objections in criminal cases)  
  • Forensic Pathology in Criminal Cases, 52 pp. Explanation of the autopsy surgeon's  (forensic pathologist) role in determination of cause, manner, and time of death and the lawyer's role in presenting or challenging the opinion testimony. (Free material re forensic pathology in criminal cases)

Book - Jury Argument in Criminal Cases, 1475 pp. post-binder An arsenal of over 5500 convincing sample jury arguments for defenders and prosecutors.  [ $198 ]      (CCJA web site with free material re jury argument)

Book - The Last Word - Jury Speeches from Memorable Criminal Trials plus How-To-Do-It Monographs,  550 pp. Edited transcripts of stirring arguments from eighteen famous cases by great persuaders, prosecutors and defense lawyers alike,  plus hundreds of tips and examples on how to end your criminal trial with a moving jury argument.  [ $55 ] (CCJA web site with free material re jury argument)

Plea Bargaining Techniques, (Expected Publication Fall 2011) Methodologies that will achieve a negotiated settlement at a substantial discount to the market.

Pretrial - Investigation, Planning, and Preparation for Criminal Litigation, (Expected Publication: Fall 2011) Step-by-step A-Z guidance in brainstorming, investigation, theories and themes, witness statements, case management and presentation software, formal and informal discovery, preparing a case for trial using the principles of persuasive storytelling, visuals, and a paper or electronic trial notebook.  (CCJA web page with free currently available material on pretrial and trial investigation, planning, and preparation for criminal litigation)

Law Office Management for the Criminal Defense Practitioner (Expected publication: Fall 2011)  Resources, management skills, and planning tools to deal with the operation and maintenance of a small criminal defense office, includes serving clients, marketing skills, financing, accounting, budgeting, time and billing system, taxes, office policy, hiring and firing, office manual, supplies and equipment, communications system, managing human resources, benefits, insurance, family leave (FMLA), disabilities (ADA), office technology, building your own web site, grammar, style and citation in communication, legal research, etc.    (CCJA web page with free currently available material on law office management for the criminal defense practitioner

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