Legal Research & Writing Services--Sample Documents & Filings
One of the most demanding research and writing projects a lawyer can face is the appellate brief. This is where technical craft (command of style, citation conventions and local court rules), comes together with exhaustive research, thorough analysis and cogent writing to create a persuasive brief. I filed the sample brief in an appeal to the New Hampshire Supreme Court on behalf of a municipal corporation.
Frequently a court will ask counsel to brief troublesome legal issues in advance of trial. Often the same type of filing is required in support of a dispositive motion.
Record Reviews, Fact Summaries, Argument Preparations: Sample Arbitration Summary.
Court cases are basically stories about people. The advocate's job is to make the client's story as compelling and persuasive as possible from the client's point of view. Success always requires meticulous review and methodical summary of the facts, but often there isn't enough time in the day to allow for this. Even so, it is critical. Only after gaining complete control of the facts through a painstaking review and summary can the attorney weave them into a persuasive presentation. I submitted the sample fact summary in advance of an arbitration panel hearing in a personal injury case.
Opinion Letters: Sample Opinion Letter.
Even the most sophisticated clients often need written advice about what to do. Regardless of the form such written advice takes, it always must explain the basis for the opinion and provide clear direction in plain language. The sample letter responded to a Police Chief's concern about suspending a Dectective for violation of a Department rule.
Pleadings: Sample Pleading.
For many years I spent much of each day preparing custom documents for complex commercial transactions. These ran the gamut from purchase and sales agreements and deeds to promissory notes, mortgages, and other highly technical commercial loan documents. If you're facing a project where this kind of thing is required, and it's outside your daily comfort zone, contact me and let's discuss it.
Document Review & Editing:
Document Review & Editing:
Maybe you just don't enjoy the technical craft of polishing a legal document, or maybe you've done some work on an important filing but you don't have time to do the final draft. Contact me either way. I can help.
There are very few issues facing a solo practice or small firm that I have not successfully handled at one time or another. Client relations, marketing, time management, employee relations, practice area management--you know, office stuff. If you're too busy practicing law to really focus on these concerns, or if you just need to talk about an issue, call me.
NOTE: I have changed the dates, the locations, the names of the parties, and all other identifying information in all of the sample documents, whether or not they are public records. I have taken this precaution to protect not only the privacy but the sensibilities of those involved. The substantive content of the documents remains unchanged.