Information that follows is from the County of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Superior Court, last verified April 15, 2013.
Questions, not answered here, should be directed to the Los Angeles County Superior Court (see link at end of page) or the Archives and Records Center (see below).
Copies of recent court documents - including orders regarding dissolutions of marriage and judgments of dissolutions, probate, name changes, criminal and civil cases – may be available at the headquarters courthouse in the judicial district where the case was handled. Conduct case research online at Case Summary to determine where the case was heard. If the case concluded more than five years ago, records are likely at the Archives and Records Center, 222 N Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90012. (No phone orders are accepted).
Some post-1999 civil case documents for cases heard at Stanley Mosk Courthouse may be found online at, where they can be purchased and downloaded. See Online Court Records, Civil Cases below.
In the Central District, visit or write the certification section in Room 112 at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse, 111 N Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 or call (213) 974-5192 for information. (No phone orders will be accepted.)
Mail requests for case documents to Archives and Records Center, 222 N Hill St, Room 212, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Enclose a check, payable to the Los Angeles Superior Court, to cover the copying cost of documents, which is 50 cents per page and a certification fee of $15 per document. If the document is a final judgment of divorce, add $15 for the certification fee. If the copies are for official use in another country, there is an additional $20 exemplification fee. If you do not know the number of pages or the cost for copies, write below the long dollar line on your check the phrase: “Not to exceed $30.” The clerk processing the order will fill in the actual amount and return a receipt with the copies. Please enclose a self-addressed, legal-sized envelope. Allow 45 working days for processing.
Ordering case documents requires a case number. To search for a civil case number, provide the names of the parties and the year the case was filed to civil index staff members. If the civil case was filed in 1965 or earlier, call the civil index clerk at (213) 974-1378. For civil cases filed after 1965, call the civil index clerk at (213) 974-5171. (An in-person index fee for civil searches costs $15 per name if a search takes more than 10 minutes.)
Criminal case index searches for criminal cases filed before 1956 are performed at the Archives and Records Center, 222 N Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90012; criminal cases filed 1957 and later are indexed at the Criminal Justice Center, 210 W Temple St, Room M-6, Los Angeles, CA 90012. (California law allows misdemeanor case records to be destroyed five years after their disposition.)
Purchase case document copies in person at the Archives and Records Center, 222 N Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90012, between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays, except holidays. Phone (213) 974-1196.
ONLINE COURT RECORDS, CIVIL CASESSuperior Court Website: for Civil Party Name Search and for Civil Document Images. This web link allows downloading, for a fee, of scanned images of civil case records in lawsuits greater than $25,000 filed at Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles. You may search for available case documents by either case number or party name. Most, but not all documents filed with or generated by the Court since February 2005 are included; additional documents, both newly-filed and previously captured, are added on a daily basis. ONLINE COURT RECORDS, INDEX OF CRIMINAL CASE DEFENDANTS Superior Court Website: This web link allows the public, for a fee, online access to an index of defendants in criminal cases in the Los Angeles Superior Court. The online Index contains felony cases records from 1980 to the present and misdemeanor case records from 1988 to present. Some misdemeanor index information goes back to 1983, but this data retrieval date varies based on when the former Municipal Court locations automated their criminal records. ONLINE COURT RECORDS, DIVORCE Superior Court Website: This web link allows ordering of certified copies of divorce records online. Requests and payments may be made on the Court's website; copies are delivered by mail. Source: Los Angeles County Superior Court and Los Angeles County
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- Attorney LEE, jae wook (
- 서울 서초구 반포대로 14길 30, 센추리 412호. TEL: 010-6350-1799 이메일 Attorney at Law, Tax, Patent. Lee,Jae Wook is a member of the Korean Bar Association and Illinois Bar Association. Licensed to practice in KOREA and U.S.A., Illinois. Attorney Lee has worked since 1997.3. as a prominent Attorney in the legal service field including tax, law, patent, immigration, transaction across the border. You can find more at