Freedom of Information Act (FOIA):
The 1966 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) permits any person to request access to federal agency records or information. Federal agencies are required to disclose records upon receipt of a written request, except for records that are protected from disclosure by nine exemptions or three exclusions in the Act. Persons are also able to request documents in an electronic format under the 1996 Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments (EFOIA).
How to Submit a FOIA Request:
All FOIA requests for the Criminal Division must be sent to the mailing address, fax or email address shown below.
By Mail:
Rena Y. Kim, Chief
Criminal Division
Department of Justice
Suite 1127, Keeney Building
Washington, DC 20530-0001
By Fax: (202) 514-6117
By E-Mail:
This includes frequently requested records, opinions, policy statements, and staff manuals/instructions to staff, created by the Criminal Division after November 1, 1996.
Component Description:
The Criminal Division develops, enforces, and supervises the application of all federal criminal laws except those specifically assigned to other divisions. The Division, and the 93 U.S. Attorneys have the responsibility for overseeing criminal matters under the more than 900 statutes as well as certain civil litigation. Criminal Division attorneys prosecute many nationally significant cases. In addition to its direct litigation responsibilities, the Division formulates and implements criminal enforcement policy and provides advice and assistance. For example, the Division approves or monitors sensitive areas of law enforcement such as participation in the Witness Security Program and the use of electronic surveillance; advises the Attorney General, Congress, the Office of Management Budget and the White House on matters of criminal law; provides legal advice and assistance to federal prosecutors and investigative agencies; and provides leadership for coordinating international as well as federal, state, and local law enforcement matters.
A comprehensive guide to the FOIA that serves as a handbook for obtaining information from the Department.
Special information required to make a FOIA request
Publicly available information for which a FOIA request is not required
To access Criminal Division publications and documents, go to the pertinent component to find materials that are publicly available online.
Criminal Division Organization Chart:- International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program
- Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section
- Office of Enforcement Operations
- Office of International Affairs
- Office of Policy and Legislation
- Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training
- Organized Crime & Gang Squad Section
- Public Integrity Section
Multitrack processing:
FOIA requests are placed in one of three tracks. Track one is for those requests which seek and receive expedited processing pursuant to subsection (a)(6)(E) of the FOIA. The second track is for those requests which do not involve voluminous records or lengthy consultations with other entities. Track three is for those requests which involve voluminous records and for which lengthy or numerous consultations are required, or those requests which may involve sensitive records.
Major Information Systems:
TITLE: Automated Case Tracking System II