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서울 서초구 반포대로 14길 30, 센추리 412호. TEL: 010-6350-1799 이메일:jawala.lee@gmail.com. Attorney at Law, Tax, Patent. Lee,Jae Wook is a member of the Korean Bar Association and Illinois Bar Association. Licensed to practice in KOREA and U.S.A., Illinois. Attorney Lee has worked since 1997.3. as a prominent Attorney in the legal service field including tax, law, patent, immigration, transaction across the border. You can find more at http://taxnlaw.co.kr

2013년 4월 30일 화요일


1       adj   Postal is used to describe things or people connected with the public service of carrying letters and packages from one place to another.  
ADJ n  
Compensation for lost or damaged mail will be handled by the postal service..., Include your full postal address.     
2       adj   Postal is used to describe activities that involve sending things by post.  
ADJ n  
Unions would elect their leadership by secret postal ballot.     

postal order        ( postal orders    plural  ) A postal order is a piece of paper representing a sum of money which you can buy at a post office and send to someone as a way of sending them money by post.  
  (BRIT)      n-count  
in AM, usually use money order     
Translation English - Cobuild Collins Dictionary  
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